Getting older (or something like that)

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As a child, literally everything seems easy

Your parents care for you, provide you with food

And the only doubts really are when you would get back to the playground, if your friend has time for you, if your lunch will be pizza or something else

Then, when school starts, things become more serious

You learn hundreds of new things, make new friends, get better at your hobbies

And as you get older, you start to develop your own rhythm, your own beliefs, your own identity

Most people say that being a teenager is the hardest

School gets harder, friendships don't work out, hobbies get devastating

Some start to care only about their good grades, some never even come to class anymore

That time is the most defining, the most formative for your personality

The way how you're taught to deal with things going wrong or plans not working out define how you will deal with the upcoming challenges later

But in my opinion, the time after that is even harder

The moment when you're realising that you'll soon be an adult is scary

Cause getting older is actually scary at this point

Suddenly school, hobbies, friends aren't the most important things anymore

Thousand people ask what you will do after school, thousands of people get in and out of relationships

And you're just in the middle oft that all, stuck

Because everyone expects you to have it figured out by now

And actually, I don't know what I will be doing for the next 50 years of my life

All the Jobs, studies, trainings I look, at sound great and hundreds of people tell me what job they see me doing

But the thought of getting older honestly just scares me

Because maturing means getting a job, moving out, building a family, all of these things

And I don't feel ready for that

Suddenly I have to make up my mind, decide what I want to do

Probably for the rest of my life

Which probably is quite some time

And out of the thousand options I don't know which one to choose

Hundreds of cities are more than pretty, but that means I'm leaving home, my friends

Thousands of jobs sound fun, but everyone tells me something different

And all of this really stresses me out, overstrains me

The feeling that for the next years of my life I will be caught in a stream of changes,

To know that lots of the most important decisions are ahead of me

Makes getting older just scarier

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