2nd year: James Potter

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"Remus, you coming, or not?" James asked desperately. Reaching under is un-made bed for his invisibility cloak.

Remus was picking up some of his books on his bedside table as he replied, "Nah, I'm going to hand these books back to the library with Evans."

"Alright then, Peter you definitely don't want to come?" James asked turning his head to Peter, who was laying on his front with a piece of parchment in front of him and a quill in hand.

"No, I have to finish this nasty charms homework and I don't really want to be sneaking around under the invisibility cloak." Peter said lifting his head up from his half-filled piece of parchment.

"Merlin, you two are boring." Sirius rolled his eyes, "It's not like it's curfew it's midday, for Merlins sake."

"Well done, Sirius- you know what time it is, congratulations!" Remus muttered, his voice dripping with sarcasm, still not looking up from his pile of books, "Anyway, when you get back tell me what you saw."

"Of course, Come on Sirius." James said, getting excited now, pulling Sirius from their dorm.

Once they were on the stairs going down to the common room, they pulled on the invisibility cloak. As they were still young it was easy to fit them both under, but James was definitely getting taller, while Sirius was staying around the same height.

While they were crossing the common room Sirius whispered, "Where do you think he'll be lurking?"

"Don't know, probably near the Slytherin dungeons." James whispered back, as he said so he felt a sharp pain on his foot, "Ow!"

"Sorry, there isn't much room under here." Sirius whispered back, James honestly thought he sounded more annoyed then sorry like it was James's fault there wasn't much room.

Thinking about that he made a mental note to ask Remus later if they could put an extension charm on the cloak.

The whole reason they were searching for Snape was because in their last argument he mentioned something about making something dangerous, so the four teenage boys wanted to look more closely.

As they exited the common room, there was their pray, right next to the portrait of the Fat Lady.

Severus Snape was slouching against the corridor wall with an emotionless mask over this face.

When the two boys saw their school rivalry, they both jumped, not expecting to see him standing right before them.

Curious, the two best friends- who were still invisible to others -stood against the wall opposite him.

James felt like they were waiting for an eternity (in reality it was ten minutes) for a slight twitch in his posture or even just a subtle cough. But nothing.

Eventually, Lily Evans and Remus came out of the common room in a deep convocation with three books stacked on top of each other in both of their hands.

Snape eyes widened in surprise as they came into his sight, "Lily, I need to talk to you." Snape growled in his naturally low voice.

At the sight of Snape James caught Remus' eyes roll, then he looked around probably trying to guess where himself and Sirius were hiding.

"Oh, hi Sev, me and Remus are going to the library, do you want to come?" Lily asked politely, "You can talk to me while were walking."

"No, I want to talk to you alone, without that Loony kid following." Snape replied, frowning.

As a result of this, Sirius went to shout something at Snape, but James was fasting, he quickly shoved his hand over Sirius' mouth before he could say a word.

"Don't be mean." Lily said angrily. She turned back to Remus and patted his arm, "Come on Rem, lets go to the library."

At that she and Remus started walking off into the direction of the library, while Snape walked the other way.

Sirius went to follow him, but James shook his head, "I don't think it will be a good Idea to taunt him when his in a mood like this, mate."

"Alright, but his being an idiot. Again."

They took of the invisibility and walked back through the common room as they did so James blurted, "He can't talk to Lily that way and definitely can't call Remus that."

Sirius scoffed, "You think I don't know that. Come on, let's go tell Pete."

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