2nd Year: James Sirius Potter

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"Come on, it will be fun!" James urged.

"They probably aren't even real, James." Alfie replied sitting on the edge of the Gryffindor sofa.

"They are my dad told me so." James replied stubbornly, sitting next to Alfie on the sofa.

"Are you hearing this Evie?" Alfie asked turning to his sister, who was sitting on the floor in front of their feet doing homework.

"I am and I think it's worth a shot." Evie replied not looking up from her homework.

James started grinning then clapped once.

"Are you coming then?" Alfie frowned.

Evie scoffed, "No way, I have better things to be doing, but tell me how it goes, they could come in useful in the future."

Alfie turned back to James, "Fine I'll come but why do we have to do it under the cloak?"

"So no one can see us." James replied as if it wasn't obvious enough.

"It's a Saturday afternoon, I don't think anyone cares."

"Were taking the cloak. I don't want anyone to see us."


"Because I don't want people asking questions. What's your problem with the cloak?!"

"We can make up excuses. And I don't have an issue with the cloak I just don't think its necessary."

"Were taking the cloak."

"Your stubborn."

"Am not, you're the stubborn one."

"Shut it! Your both being stubborn, take the cloak because you might want to check out the passageways." Evie said clearly annoyed.

James stuck his tongue out at Alfie as he got up to go get the cloak.


"Alright, did you dad tell you where they are?" Alfie asked once they were under the invisibility cloak and out of the common room.

"He told me one was behind a statue and one behind a mirror on the fourth floor but that one is block off." James shrugged.

"What statue?" Alfie pressed.

"I don't know. He said it will be fun for me to look for it."

"Well, there are two main statues in Hogwarts: Dumbledore and Gregory the Smarmy." Alfie said proudly.

"I'm not going to ask how you know this because I know you want me to." James said flatly.

Alfie hit his arm.


"That did hurt, you big baby!" Alfie said, "Wild guess I think the passageway would be behind Dumbledore."

"Alright then, let's go."


They made it to the statue in front of the head mistresses office.

"I don't see anything." Alfie said matter- of- factly.

"That's because we have to look." James said while rolling his eyes, dragging them both forwards under the cloak as they walked.

"Alright then, Sherlock."

"Shut up."

They gave up after twenty minutes of searching.

"Let's go to the statue of Gregory the Smarmy." Alfie suggested, "There isn't anything here."

"Okay." James agreed.

They walked all the way down to the first floor and through the corridors to the end of the castle where the statue stood against the wall.

Straight away James noticed a gap at the back of the statue.

"He completely forgot he had the invisibility cloak on with Alfie under it as he broke into a run which sent Alfie plummeting to the ground.

"Ouch, sorry. Please don't murder me when I just found the passageway." James sarcastically begged.

"I'll think about it." Alfie said as he stood up and tossed his golden hair back.

He put the cloak over his head again as he followed James.

"Look there is a gap here." James explained as he put his hands through the gap and gave it a tug.
The statue moved forwards as a hole in the wall appeared.

"Want to go in?" Alfie asked desperately.

"Oh, look who's excited now." James laughed, "of course I want to go in."

"Well come on then." Alfie's voice echoed as he was already in the tunnel.

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