4th Year: James Sirius Potter

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James was in Charms class when he felt his body vibrate as his phone buzzed from the inside of his robe.

He frowned then in a quick, smooth movement he got his phone out and hid it under his desk. Evie- who he was siting next to- rolled her eyes when she saw his phone out under the table. Again.

"One day you're going to get caught doing that." Evie hissed through her teeth.

"And today won't be the day." James whispered back, winking.

He saw the notification from Teddy in the group chat he was in on snapchat, with: Teddy, Albus and Lily. He opened it,

Teddy: I know your all probably in class right now, but I am bored so, Hi.

Albus: Nah, I'm not in class. I'm skipping with Scorpius.

James's mouth opened in shock when he saw the message his younger brother sent, but then he stopped and thought about Albus, and he concluded that didn't really surprise him much he was skipping.

James: I'm in class like I should be.

Lily: We're not much better, Jamie, we've got our phones out.

Teddy: You lot are a bunch of trouble! I never had my phone out in class.

Lily: Did you even have phones back then?

Teddy: Merlin, yes. I'm not that old.

Albus: Yeah Lily, respect your elders. He probably did have anyone to message.

James had force against himself not to snort from thinking of Teddy's face when he saw that message.

Teddy: If you lot are horrible to me one more time, I'm going to tell your parents you're skipping and having your phones out in class when your meant to be learning.

James started typing furiously.

James: 1. I didn't say anything horrible to you. 2. You will also get in trouble because you were the first one messaging us.

Teddy: Damn it. I will tell Vic. They're scarier than your parents.

Albus: HAHAHA going to go cry to your partner. Anyway, Vic won't be mean to me. Also, Scorp finds this very amusing.

Lily: Hi Scorpius!!!

Albus: He said hi.

As James was about to replay Professor Flitwick came over, "Excuse me Mr Potter. If something is so important you probably wouldn't mind sharing it with the class."

James smirked and stood up from his seat making the chair squeak on the old wooden floor, "Yeah actually, my older brother Teddy is so scared of me and my siblings that he is going to tell his partner, Victoire Weasley."

Flitwick sighed, "Even after he finishes school, he is still causing trouble."

James nodded with mocking sympathy.

"Now pass me that phone and you and your siblings will be in detention for messaging during class as both your brother and sister should also be in lessons learning." Flitwick demanded.

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