2nd Year: Harry Potter

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"Where do you think she is?" Ron asked munching on a chocolate frog while lying on his bed.

"I don't know, it's now seven o'clock and curfew is at eight and we both know Hermione will never get in trouble on purpose especially for something as stupid as curfew." Harry replied also laying across his bed.

"Good point." Ron nodded. Then he shot up, "Hey, Harry!"


"We could look for her under your invisibility cloak!"

Without hesitation, Harry smirked, "Alright."

He leaned over the side of his bed and dragged out his cloak from under it. He got up, unfolded it and gestured for Ron to follow. Before they exited their dorm, they pulled it over their heads.

They walked down the stairs and through the common room silently.

Once they were in the corridor, Ron spoke first, "Where to first?"

"The library. She's always in there." Harry answered confidently.

They started walking in the direction of the library, Harry started to get a bit worried of where his best friend might be.

Once they got to the library successfully, they looked through all the rows of books until the end where the restricted section is.

"Should we look in?" Harry asked, gesturing to the restricted section.

"I think we should, just to be safe." Ron replied nervously.

Harry nodded once.

Once again, they were walking through stacks of books there were a few other students probably studying for their O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s.

After they got to the end without seeing Hermione, harry tugged a hand through his messy, black hair and sighed, "Where to now?"

"We could just walk through the corridors and see if she's walking back from somewhere." Ron suggested.


They walked the back the way they came as quietly as they could, trying not to make it obvious they were there.

Once they were in the corridor, they were going to go back up the stairs to Gryffindor Tower when they ran into the Potions master.

Harry gasped quietly in shock.

Snape turned his head around, trying to find the source of the noise.

Harry and Ron silently side stepped around their least favourite teacher. They managed it, then they bolted up the stairs in front of them.

They kept on charging forwards until they made it to the portrait of the Fat Lady. Where they bucked over their knees and panted like dogs, who had run for miles.

They threw off the invisibility cloak, which made the Fat Lady jump, "Merlin boys! What are you doing out here? It's five minutes un- "

"Parsnips!" Harry said interrupted urgently.

"Alright, Alright in you go."

As they walked through the portrait Harry said, "I think it's best if we stay here and wait for Hermione to come back from wherever she is."


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