7th Year: James Potter

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"I actually can't believe were going to graduate today!" James announced to his dorm mates as he exited the bathroom from his burning shower.

"Well, you better believe it." Sirius grinned, still laying on his bed.

"Don't get too excited, we have to join the war." Remus said bitterly, dulling the cheery mood.

"We already said you don't have to help; no one will think your cowardly." Pete said coming over to Remus to pat him on the back once as he was making his way over to the now empty shower.

"Yeah, don't feel pressured," James added, "If you really don't want to, no one will judge you."

"No, and if they do I will kick their a-" Sirius started before Peter turned the shower on, "Anyway it won't change our plans, will it."

Sirius finally got out of bed and made his way over to where his boyfriend was sitting on the edge of his own bed.

"I know it won't ruin our plans to move in together if I didn't want to join the Order." Remus said looking into the deep-blue eyes of the boy sitting next to him, "But I do, I want join, I want to help. I want to be able to make this world safe for everyone, not just normal wizards."

"We know you do mate, and we will do everything we can to help you." James said coming over to sit on the other side of Remus.

Sirius nodded along and took Remus' hand in his, "With everything." He whispered.

"I hope it will all be over soon, and we won't have to fight for too long." James said more to himself then anyone.

Remus and Sirius bot nodded along.

The bathroom door swung open, "I can hear your gloomy convocation from in here, you better change it and make it cheerier, or we'll all be in a dull mood for the rest of the day! And I don't know about you, but I don't want that." Peter scolded.

James and Sirius burst out laughing as they have not heard Peter that angry in a long time.

"Jesus, sorry, Pete." Remus grinned.

"Anyway, lads, we better get ready and look good as my darling mother will most definitely be taking photos on her trusty, new camera, she told me about in her most recent letter." James said, once the laughter had died down a bit.

Sirius reached back and grabbed the scarlet-red graduation hat from Remus' bed and shoved it on his head.

"Thanks for your help, it was very much needed." Remus said turning to Sirius.

Sirius winked.

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