31st October 1981

16 0 0

"James, have you seen Harry?" Lily asked, her head going around the door of their bedroom.

"No, I haven't," James answered, "Why, can't you find him?"

"Well, I haven't looked all over the house, but no I can't." his wife replied, placing a hand upon her forehead.

"I'll help you look," James smiled, leaping up from their bed and exiting the room.

"Have you looked downstairs?" James asked as he made his way to the stairs leading to the living room and kitchen.

"No, I have only looked upstairs as that is normal where he is." Lily said following him downstairs.

"Harry, where are you?" James sang once they made it down.

Harry had a reputation of hiding around the house, for James and Lily to find him in very unusual spots.

The young couple searched around the living room: behind the sofas; under the coffee table; and behind the cushions (Harry has hid behind before). But they couldn't find their son anywhere.

"His not in the garden, is he?" James asked his wife.
"Nope, he can't get out there." Lily answered, taking a seat on the sofa to catch her breath from running around the house, "Out of all the games he likes to play, of course it's hide and seek."

James laughed, "Yes, but the best part is he doesn't tell us when he is playing."

Lily laughed along side her husband, "You mean the worst."

"No, his face when we find him is adorable," James argued as he thought of his son's face every time, they found him.

"I'm going to go look in the kitchen." James said, making his way over to the door separating the cosy living room from the wooden kitchen.

"Alright, I'll join you in a minute." Lily replied.

Once James made it into the kitchen the first thing, he saw was Harry sitting on the floor, sweet bowl in hand, with chocolate smushed around his tiny mouth. Harry looked up at his dad like he just had been caught from stealing from Gringotts, "Uh, oh."

James despite himself laughed at the state of his son, "Yeah, uh oh."

"What's going on in here?" Lily asked entering the room, "Harry! Oh my gosh, what have you been up too?"

Harry looked down at his chocolate covered hands then back up at Lily with his inherited emerald- green eyes and simply shrugged.

"Is that all you've got to say for yourself?" Lily smiled.

"I mean, he said 'uh, oh' before you came in." James answered for his son leaning against the worktop, "We have to take a photo of this."

At that comment Lily summoned her camera, "You get in it to, we'll send a copy to Remus and Sirius, they'll love it."

James leaned down to pick up his son in his stag onesie, he lifted him into his arms. James guessed Harry knew they were taking a photo, so he stuck his hands out to show the mess to the camera as Lily lifted it up, "Say cheese."

"Cheezeee." Harry answered.

There was a quick flash and a click then the photo was printing from the bottom of the camera, then a second.

"Perfect, we will send this to Remus and Sirius in the morning, but right now you need to get cleaned up."

The small family left the kitchen as James had a weird sensation go through him like something was going to go wrong, they were in the middle of a war after all.

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