Chapter 1 - Hemingway

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"Shit," Y/N said as he yet again failed to tie his bowtie. YouTube made it look so easy. Fold this, make a knot here, add a loop-de-loop, push this end through that and presto! The men in these videos, however, weren't accounting for one thing: wedding day jitters. Shaky hands and a lingering sense of anxiety and pressure made even the simplest of tasks all the more difficult. He undid the floppy, lopsided bow and attempted to try again.

"You know, for someone who's getting married in an hour, you look extremely unhappy."

Y/N jumped. He was so focused on getting his bowtie perfect (which it wasn't) that he hadn't noticed Tony looming behind him in the mirror.

"Jesus!" Y/N exclaimed. "Don't do that!"

"Not too late to back out if you want. Wait another hour and it's going to get massively more expensive to say no. Either way you're a dead man, but it's better to die debt-free than owing god knows what in legal fees." He was shockingly casual as he tied Y/N's bowtie. Y/N resigned himself to the indignation of being unable to tie his own tie on this wedding day, allowing his arms to hang limply by his side as Tony Stark tied his bowtie for him.

"Thanks...I think?"

"Thank me now, thank me later, all I can say is: you're welcome." He straightened the bowtie and patted Y/N's shoulders. "Bit nervous I see. Cold feet?"

Y/N sighed. "No, not cold feet. I mean yeah, I'm terrified, but I'm going to marry her." He smoother the front of his vest. "Little late to back out now, isn't it?" he chuckled.

"You'll be fine. Just remember, shoot me a nod and I'll have F.R.I.D.A.Y. create a diversion so you can slip out through a suit. Either that or, gee I don't know, I'll think of something. Drop my papers, throw the rings, object to the wedding myself."

"Yeah, umm...I think we'll be good there, Tony, but thanks for the offer."

"Alrighty then, guess I'll head out." He dropped his voice to an almost whisper. "Told Laura I'd finish hanging the lights up in the barn before everyone got here. Don't want to upset the taskmaster." He motioned with his hand like he was cracking an imaginary whip. "Need anything before I go? Snack? Dental floss? Liquid courage?" He pulled a small silver flask from his inside jacket pocket.

"Nah, I'm good," Y/N said as he shook his head. "Thanks, though."

Tony took a swig from his flask. "Oh well, more for me," he grinned. He leaned to the right and craned his neck to peer out the window. "I don't see her out there...hopefully she's not looking for me. But what the hell, no one's gonna notice if there's fairy lights or not, right?" He turned and headed for the bedroom door.

"Hey Tony?" Tony turned and looked over his shoulder, eyebrows cocked.


"I, uhh, I just wanted to say, well, thanks. Thanks for doing this. means a lot to me, umm, us. It means a lot to us. So thank you."

Tony smiled. "You might want to wait until after my speech at the reception to thank me because there's a good chance you'll change your mind after that."

"Oh, I'm sure Wanda will be thrilled," Y/N retorted sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Absolutely." With that Tony left. Y/N chuckled to himself, shaking his head. Leave it to Tony to be his usual, quasi-annoying self on someone else's wedding day. His musings were interrupted by a knock at the door.

Must've forgotten some other quip he wanted to make, he thought. But it wasn't Tony at the door. It was Laura.

"Hi Y/N! Sorry to bother you, but have you seen Tony?" she asked. She was already dressed for the wedding in a stunning green dress, but she vowed to work until the last possible moment to ensure that Y/N and Wanda had the most perfect wedding day ever.

"Yeah he was just here but he left. I'm not sure where he was going, but he kept talking about avoiding both you and some fairy lights."

Laura sighed as she brought her hand up to pinch the bridge of her nose. "Yeah, that sounds about right...Alrighty, thanks anyways." She began to shut the door but stopped abruptly. "Oh, geez, I almost forgot what I came here for. Wanda wanted me to give this to you." She handed him a small white envelope. He grabbed the envelope and looked at it quizzically.

"What is it?" he wondered aloud.

"Something you're going to want to hold on to for a long time," she said as she tenderly placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm really happy for you two, Y/N. Today's going to go by so fast, so just remember to stop, take a breath, and just live in the moment. You two have your whole lives ahead of you. And if there's one piece of unsolicited marriage advice Clint and I could give you, it's to remember that you are each other's best friend. The way you two love each other will change as you grow older, but if you remember that she is your best friend through it all you two will make it through anything that comes your way. And have fun, have so much fun together. You're young, you're in love, this is one of the best chapters of your life." Laura smiled. "Sorry, look at me getting all sentimental," she sniffled. "But go read it! We've still got an hour until the ceremony and I know you two want to do a first look beforehand, so someone will come get you in about half an hour, okay?" Y/N nodded. "Well okay, I'll go find Tony, you go read that," Laura gestured to the note in Y/N's hand as she spoke. She left the room, carefully closing the door as she exited.

Y/N sat down at the foot of the bed. He examined the envelope carefully, looking at it with the wonder of a newborn baby. Envelopes were common items. He stuffed official Avengers reports into them on an almost daily basis. Yet this was different. It was from Wanda to him on their wedding day. That made it different. It was more personal, more intimate. It was meant for him and him alone. He smiled, thinking of how much love and care his soon-to-be wife poured into such a simple yet meaningful gesture. Writing wasn't something that came easily to her. Feelings yes, but actually articulating those feelings on paper no. Words, poetry, prose...that was more of his thing. It's not something that helped him with the Avengers, but Wanda found that side of him fascinating and romantic. Taking extra care to not tear the envelope, he opened it and removed the folded stationery paper from inside. Opening the note, he began to read:

Dear Y/N,

In a few short hours we'll be married and headed off on our honeymoon as husband and wife. I cannot believe this day is finally here! It feels like I've been waiting my whole life to marry you. Even though we've been together forever we have the rest of our lives to go and I get to spend it with my best friend! I promise to be yours if you promise to be mine. I love you to the ends of the earth and back, my darling Hemingway, and I'll never let go.

Love Always,

Your Wanda

PS. I found this idea on Pinterest and thought it would be so cute :)

That did it. That sent him over the edge. Every single emotion he was feeling about finally marrying Wanda Maximoff was hitting him all at once. He sobbed. He was grateful he was alone and he continued to sob. How was it possible to love another human being this much? She was everything to him and so much more. She knew that, of course, but he wanted her to know that right now. He frantically looked around the room. It was one of the guest rooms in Clint and Laura's safe house in the middle of nowhere. He spied the small desk in the back corner of the room which was nestled in between the wardrobe and the window. Shuffling through the contents of each drawer he rummaged until he found an unused 'Happy Birthday' card, a matching envelope, and a green gel pen. It's not exactly what I wanted, but I think she'll still appreciate the gesture, he thought. Y/N sat at the small desk as sunlight and the muffled sounds of last minute wedding preparations poured through the window. Uncapping the pen, he crossed out the word 'birthday' and wrote 'wedding' right above. He chuckled. He pictured Wanda reading the front of the card and giggling at her fiancé's lack of preparation. Pen tapping against the desk and leg anxiously bouncing up and down, he began to write to his beloved.

Can't Help Falling In Love (Wanda Maximoff x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now