Chapter 5 - Tony

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Nearly a month had passed since Y/N arrived at the Avengers compound. He found it relatively easy to adapt to his new lifestyle. Similar to the Navy, training as an Avenger was regimented. He was used to having to be somewhere at a certain time to do a certain thing and having superiors to report to. Granted it wasn't the military so he had a lot more personal freedom than he was accustomed to. But he found the transition back to civilian life the most challenging part.

His fellow Avengers made the transition easier. Pietro had found him after hearing there was a fellow gamer living in the compound and the two bonded quickly. Peter Parker, who still lived in Queens, frequently spent weekends at the compound for training exercises. Y/N had started looking at him like a younger brother, as had Pietro, so the two decided to take him under their wing. Tony had warmed up to Y/N some but still kept him at a bit of a distance. Steve was Steve: a good leader and someone who understood the trials and tribulations of military life. Both him and Y/N had killed many pots of coffee in the early morning hours having frank conversations about dealing with the aftermath of war. Y/N found their conversations therapeutic. Steve was one of the only ones who understood the certain things he'd experienced on deployment. There was also Nat, Yelena, Kate, Thor, Clint, Sam, Bucky, Bruce, Scott, Carol...all of them were extremely warm and welcoming towards him. And then there was Wanda.

Since his fateful first night in the compound the two had found any and every excuse to spend time together. He would walk into daily briefings and find the chair next to her empty; she would always make excuses to go and find him when he was in the library; he miraculously found himself in the gym at the same time she was down there training her magic; she would always offer to pace him on his runs which always turned into a race at the end. But beside these so-called "unplanned" meetings, Wanda and Y/N planned time together as well. They could frequently be found in the lounge binging a show, eating dinner together, or going for long walks down by the river. Each day Y/N found himself falling a little more in love with the red-haired witch. But he never said anything to her. He was too scared to put himself out there and make it real. Vulnerability wasn't his strong suit. Emotions were meant to be shoved into a box and not talked about or expressed. His line of work required him to keep his emotions under control at all times and that definitely spilled over into his personal life. He was fighting all of that because he knew if he didn't act soon someone else would come along and swoop her up.

One morning Y/n found himself in Tony's workshop. Tony had asked for his help on some new rocket designs for Rhodey. It was the first time the two had a one-on-one interaction since Y/n first arrived at the compound. Was he a little nervous? Yes. But he thought Tony had at least a modicum of respect for him and his abilities if he was asking for his advice. He had been up there for quite some time working on the dummy rocket trying to figure out the most effective way to wire it and incorporate Bluetooth capabilities into its detonation system. As he leaned over the bench and soldered wires into place, Tony stood over his shoulder and observed him.

"So it seems you're settling in okay," Tony noted.

"Yeah." Y/N was only half-listening. He was more interested in the rocket.

"I noticed you and Maximoff are spending a lot of time together." He stared down at the rocket in Y/N's hands.

"What? Oh, yeah, he's cool. We game together." He flipped his focus to the computer screen on his right, double checking the program that Tony wrote.

"I don't mean Speedy Gonzales. I meant the cute witchy one that you've been seen canoodling with," Tony smirked.

Y/N nearly dropped the rocket. "Woah, umm, Wanda? You think Wanda and I are-?" He whipped his head around to see Tony staring back at him, eyebrows raised suspiciously.

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