Chapter 8: Surprise!

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A/N: Sorry it's been a while since the last update...been working on a lot of requests and I've got another Wanda/Male Reader story that I'm working on right now.  Stay tuned 😏

As Wanda was getting ready for their day out, Y/N managed to sneak downstairs to talk with Natasha, who was sitting at the table in the kitchen drinking coffee.

"We're leaving as soon as she gets dressed," Y/N said.

"You got the ring?" Nat asked as she looked up from her mug. Y/N patted the front pocket of his jeans. "Don't lose it," she smirked.

"The ring or my mind?" he joked.

"Both," she chuckled as she took a sip of her drink.

"Well I guess I'll text you when we're headed back," Y/N said. He turned to head back up to his apartment.

"Hey."  He paused to look back at Natasha.

"Don't worry too much. You and I both know she'll say yes." She smiled sweetly up at him as she took another sip of her coffee.

"Thanks, Nat, for everything," he smiled back.

When Y/N returned to his apartment Wanda was sitting on the bed getting her shoes on. She wore a white t-shirt, blue jeans, brown boots, and had her favorite oversized hat and sunglasses next to her. Y/N felt a tad overdressed in his light blue button down, jeans, and brown chukka boots. He anxiously began to roll up his sleeves to make himself feel more casual. She looked up from her boots to him.

"You look nice," she approved as she eyed him up and down.

"So do you," he responded as he pushed his sleeve past his elbow. "Ready to go?"


"I'm excited for today," he admitted as he reached his hand out for hers.

"Me too." She gave his hand a comforting squeeze. Y/N felt his heart leap into his throat. It was going to be a long day.

The day couldn't have started any better with lunch at the Hilltop. It was their go-to spot for after mission pick-me-ups. They laughed and reminisced over hot chocolates with whipped cream and stacks of wildberry pancakes dripping with butter and syrup. Y/N found his tension melting away like butter as they ate and talked for ages. After lunch they walked through the quaint village hand-in-hand to the farmers' market by village hall. They walked in silence as they basked in each other's presence and the beautiful spring day. The trees were budding and the air was sweet with the scent of fresh grass.

At the farmers' market Wanda came alive. She loved going from booth to booth talking to the various farmers and sampling their different products. Y/N observed her as she became a completely different person. This was a side of her he rarely saw but absolutely adored, the side of her that wasn't a superhero and wanted nothing more than to have her own quiet piece of land in the country so she could have her own gardens. They spent a couple of hours buying fresh fruits and vegetables, freshly baked pastries, jars of jellies and pickles, freshly cured meats, and, of course, a bouquet of sunflowers. Wanda was beaming as they walked their purchases back to the car. She was planning all the different things she could make with her latest finds.

After they loaded the bags into the car, they walked the two blocks to the Book Nook. It was their favorite local bookshop. Y/N discovered it when he first moved into the Compound and had introduced Wanda to it shortly after they started dating. The shop itself was small. Every wall was crammed with bookshelves that were overflowing with everything from the latest best-sellers to dog-eared paperbacks. Y/N watched as Wanda wandered the aisles, running her fingers across the book spines. She was intentional as she searched through the fiction section. She paused at books that caught her eye, pulling them out to read the summaries on the backs. He half-heartedly did the same. But Y/N was more focused on Wanda: the way she leaned into the bookshelf as she read through the books, how she brushed her hair behind her ear as she bent down to read the titles on the lower shelves, the way she stuck her tongue out when she was concentrating...He put his hands in his pockets and leaned against a shelf as he watched her stretch to replace a paperback from the top shelf. He smiled as he watched her give up, check to make sure no one was looking, and use her magic to send it back up. Wanda suddenly realized that Y/N was staring at her.

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