Chapter 7: I Promise

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It had been about two months since that disaster of a mission where Y/N had decided he was going to ask Wanda to marry him.  Of course he'd discussed it with her.  The subject came up naturally shortly after they returned from the mission.  Y/N was stuck in bed after having his leg stitched up so naturally they had to do a Disney movie marathon.  Marriage was brought up during Princess Diaries 2.  Wanda had been the one to bring the subject up.  It started with a comment about Mia's wedding dress which led to rings which led to ceremonies which led to honeymoons which led to Wanda saying she wanted to get married.  Y/N kept a cool facade throughout the conversation but on the inside he was exploding!  He calmly mentioned that he too would like to get married but that he wasn't in a rush if she wasn't.  Wanda said she didn't care.  She just wanted to marry him one day.

That conversation started a plan of epic proportions.  Y/N knew he needed help but he didn't know who to trust.  He didn't want to tell Pietro because he knew he'd accidentally ruin the surprise for Wanda.  So he thought Nat would be a good one to get involved.  When he told her of his plan to ask Wanda to marry him he thought she was going to burst with excitement.

"WHAT?!  Of course I'll help you out!" She practically jumped off the couch.  "Who else knows?  Have you two talked about marriage?  Please tell me you have...what about rings?  What does she want in a ring?  Do you have a ring?  Now how are you gonna ask her?  Because I know-"

"Woah okay.  Take it easy, Nat!"  Y/N put his hands up in front of his body.  "You're the only one who knows.  Right now I just want your help with the ring.  I wanna go into the city to buy it.  I've got some money saved up and I wanna get her a really nice ring.  She deserves it."  He smiled as he looked at Nat.

She looked at him, then looked down at the coffee table.  "Welp," she said, placing her hands on her knees to push herself up.  "Let's go, I'll drive."

"What?" Y/N was confused.

"You wanna go buy a ring or what?" she questioned.

"Well yeah, but I didn't mean right now!"

"I don't care, we're going now.  Go get your wallet, go put some real pants on, get your shoes, and meet me at my car!  I'm not letting you change your mind on this."

"Okay fine, you win!  What should I tell Wanda?"  He didn't want to give away what he was up to.  "She's gonna be suspicious if I tell her you and I are going into the city."

"So then don't tell her," Nat raised her eyes mischievously.

Y/N grinned.  "I'll go change.  Meet you outside in ten?"

"Sounds good!"

Y/N sprinted back up to his apartment.  It felt like a dream.  He was actually going to pick out an engagement ring for Wanda.  Things were starting to fall into place.  He hummed to himself as he pulled off his pajama pants, opting for a pair of jeans he'd thrown in the laundry.  He wiggled them up his legs, jumping as he pulled them over his butt.

"You look better with them off," teased Wanda.  Y/N whipped around.  He hadn't heard her come into his apartment.

"Oh, hey!" Y/N blushed, buttoning his jeans.  "I didn't hear you come in."  He reached over and grabbed the wallet that was laying on the nightstand.

"Going somewhere?" She cocked her eyebrow.

Y/N sat on the bed as he pulled his sneakers out from underneath it.  "Yeah.  Nat wanted to get lunch.  Said she wanted to talk about something."  He slipped one foot into his shoe, using his finger to pull at the heel to slide his foot in without untying it.

"Talk about what?"

"Dunno," Y/N lied.  "She didn't say.  I'm meeting her outside in like ten minutes."  He pulled his other shoe on and stood up.

Can't Help Falling In Love (Wanda Maximoff x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now