Chapter 6 - Explosion

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"Am I gonna need a coat?" Y/N wondered aloud.

"Babe, it's March, it's cold, it's raining, it's dark, and we're going on a what you want but I'm wearing one," Wanda replied as she continued packing her duffel bag.

The team was preparing to fly downstate to infiltrate a cargo ship that was trying to smuggle drugs into Hell's Kitchen. They'd been receiving intel, both from their own plants and outside operatives, for over a month about this ship. Training over the past few weeks was tailored specifically for this mission. Y/N had been collaborating with Bruce and Tony about creating specialized bombs to break through the hatches on the ship without causing too much extraneous damage. He'd also been through infiltration drills, hand-to-hand combat drills, and escape drills. Wanda had spent hours in the gym working her magic, throwing heavy bags (and Pietro) around with ease, unlocking various locks, and rewriting reality on small objects. While the mission wasn't set to take more than a few hours the team was preparing for anything to happen.

"Good point," he countered. He opened the closet door and pulled out his black parka. He threw it on the opened duffel that was lying on the bed.

"Did you still want to go to the movies tomorrow?" she asked. Missions were a normal part of their job, just like meetings or group training sessions. They still lived their lives normally outside of it.

"Only if we go to the place where we can eat dinner and watch at the same time."

"Good with me," Wanda smiled. Even though they'd been together over three years at this point, going out on a date with Y/N always made her heart flutter.

Y/N checked his watch after he zipped up his bag. "We've got ten minutes, Wands." He turned to sit on the bed. Grabbing the boots that sat next to the bed, he shoved one foot in and started to lace it up. "Remind me to order some new boots after we get back. The sole is starting to rip out." He worked his way from one foot to the other.

Wanda watched him as he focused on his boots. She always watched him. Logically she knew he was an expert in his field, but she always worried before he went on a mission. She worried whether or not something would go wrong. Painful memories of losing her parents in an explosion constantly plagued her consciousness. She remembered when he'd been sent to Morocco for a month right after their one year anniversary. She spent every night crying herself to sleep in his room and refused to take off his Navy PT sweatshirt until Pietro and Yelena practically threw it into the washer while she was still in it.

She quietly walked over to the bed and sat next to him. He'd finished tying his shoes and blousing his boots and was resting his forearms on his thighs, his head bowed in what seemed to be an act of prayer. Wanda reached over and placed her hand on his thigh right above his knee.

"Please be careful," she whispered as he turned to look at her.

"I will, sweetheart. I promise."

She rested her head on his shoulder, sighing as she did so. "I know you will. I just worry about you."

Y/N chuckled. "And I worry about you, too," he admitted as he rested his head on hers. "Don't get yourself in a situation you can't get out of...but you're like one of the most powerful beings on the planet so you can deal with just about anything. But if you can't then just don't get involved, okay?"

Wanda giggled. He always rambled when he got nervous. She thought it was cute. Suddenly he felt his head move away from hers as his hand moved up to lift her chin towards him. She gazed deeply into his eyes.

"Hi," he whispered.

"Hi," she responded. He leaned in and gently touched his forehead to hers, moving his hand from her chin to run it through her luscious red hair before resting it on the back of her neck.

Can't Help Falling In Love (Wanda Maximoff x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now