Chapter 9: Mazal Tov!

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A/N: One more chapter after this 🥲 As sad as I am to see this story start to come to a close, I'm super excited for the next idea I'm working on.  Stay tuned!

"How ya feeling kid?" Tony asked as he slapped Y/N on the back.

"What?" Tony had just snapped him out of a daydream. "Yeah I'm good."

"Gotcha," Tony smirked, shaking his head. "Just relax there Popeye, your wedding day is supposed to be a happy one."

Tony and Y/N had made their way to the barn. Clint and Laura had offered their place up as a wedding location and had enlisted the other Avengers to help clean it up. Laura was a taskmaster, or so Tony said, but the place looked incredible. Benches were placed to create an aisle that ran the length of the small barn. Paper lanterns hung from the rafters and fairy lights were tacked up around the wooden frame. At the end of the aisle stood a canopy, or chuppah. While neither Y/N or Wanda were particularly religious, Wanda had insisted on incorporating some traditional Jewish elements into the ceremony as a tribute to her heritage. So it was decided they would be married under a chuppah and Y/N would break the glass at the end of the ceremony. Afterwards the benches would be pushed aside to make room for circular tables dressed in white tablecloths.

Tony and Y/N were waiting in Clint's workshop. Wanda, Natasha, and Pietro were waiting in the Barton house. Guests had already started trickling in. The list wasn't long. It was mostly members of the Avengers and their families along with familiar faces like Nick Fury and Maria Hill. Neither one of them had families to invite and Y/N had long lost contact with his Naval compatriots. But small was okay for them.

Y/N was anxiously pacing around the small room. He couldn't kick the butterflies.

Breathe, Hemingway. Just relax, he heard Wanda remind him.

Thanks, Wanda, he thought, a slight smile spreading across his lips.

A sudden knock on the door interrupted him. It was Laura. "Are you guys ready to go?" she asked. She opened the door and poked her head in.

"Ready to go if you are." Tony snapped off a sharp salute.

"Are you ready, Y/N?" Laura turned to look at him.

"Yeah, let's do this." He exhaled loudly and clapped his hands, rubbing them together.

"Great!" exclaimed Laura. "I'll go let the others know and make sure everyone gets seated."

"Great. Thanks, Laura," Y/N said. His hands were sweaty and clammy, much like the way they were the day he proposed to Wanda. He wiped them on the front of his pants before he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"You all ready?" Tony asked.

"I think so." He turned around to face the older man.

"I just want to say it's an honor to do this today. And I wish both you and Maximoff the best." He stuck his hand out to Y/N.

Y/N looked at his hand and then back up at Tony. It was an uncharacteristically kind and genuine gesture on Tony's part.

"Thanks, Tony. I really appreciate it." He grasped Tony's hand and shook it firmly.

Tony leaned in close and whispered in Y/N's ear. "Last chance for that booze."

"Nah, I'm good," Y/N laughed.

"Good because I don't have much left," Tony replied.

There was another knock on the door that interrupted their conversation.

"We are all set!" Laura said excitedly.

"Righty-o, let's get this show on the road!" Tony clapped Y/N on the back before he headed out the door, picking up the blue folder that held his sermon as he did so.

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