Chapter 4 - Butterflies

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Y/N was anxiously pacing back and forth in the backyard. He was supposed to meet Wanda by this huge old oak tree, the same one where Clint would set up his archery targets. He'd barely been there five minutes but it felt like an eternity. The anticipation of seeing Wanda in her wedding dress was killing him.

"Yo Hemingway! Keep walking like that and you're gonna wear a hole in the ground!"

Y/N whipped around. It was Pietro. He was standing by the back porch, hand cupped around his mouth to help amplify his teasing. He knew that Hemingway was Wanda's nickname for Y/n and of course he teased him relentlessly for it. Seeing Pietro break out into his signature mischievous grin, he rolled his eyes in return.

"And when it's done, Wanda and I are gonna bury you in it!" he yelled back.

"That's a good one!" Pietro chuckled as he shouted back. "But you're kidding, right?" He shoved his hands in his pockets nonchalantly and began to stroll towards Y/N. Y/N raised an eyebrow knowingly. "Right?"

Y/N shrugged. "Try me and we'll find out," he grinned. The banter between the two was always playful, never malicious. He wasn't just Wanda's brother. He was one of Y/N's closest friends as well. Y/n had helped Pietro out of many sticky situations on missions. Nearly getting blown up created a bond of shared trauma (and laughs). But the two really bonded over one thing in particular: video games. Many nights and quinjet flights were spent playing Mario Kart or Smash Bros. While Wanda had hoped Y/N and Pietro would at least get along, she'd never anticipated they'd be so close.

Pietro shook his head. "How ya feeling?" he asked.

"Ehh?" He looked down and kicked a rock across the hard ground.

"You're less than an hour away from getting married and all you can say is 'ehh'?!"

"I just wanna see her, man. I'm so nervous." Y/N pulled at his shirt collar. It suddenly felt too tight around his neck and his bowtie wasn't helping.

"She looks great, don't worry about that!" Pietro lovingly punched him on the shoulder.

"I'm not worried about that. I dunno, I guess it's the anticipation about all this," he replied, gesturing vaguely to everything around him.

"Well I've never been married so I can't give you any advice there," laughed Pietro. "But if it makes you feel any better Wanda's already cried today. She's nervous, too."

Y/N smiled. It made him feel better knowing that he wasn't the only one feeling butterflies. They had talked about their feelings in the days leading up to the wedding, but talking about your wedding day and living it were two very different experiences.

"I'm excited for you guys. I mean I can't think of a better guy to marry my sister."

"Thanks, Piet."

"And now I get to pester you about when I'm gonna be an uncle!"

"Let's, umm, yeah...let's not rush things," Y/N weakly choked out. He and Wanda just wanted to get through today and here Pietro was pestering them about babies.

Suddenly a voice interrupted the quasi-awkward silence that enveloped the air around the two men.

"Hate to break up the gossip session fellas, but I've got a bride-to-be who is anxious to see her future husband," called Natasha, working her way towards the duo.

Pietro jumped into action. He threw himself behind Y/N and wrapped his hands around his head. "I've got him, Nat! He won't look too soon!"

Natasha roared with laughter as Y/N tried to wriggle himself free of Pietro's grasp. "It's okay, she's still inside. You can let him go." He slackened his grip as Y/N pushed himself off the speedster, who had raced his way over to Nat.

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