Chapter 3 - 1839

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One thousand, eight hundred, and thirty-nine days earlier...

There was a knock at the door.

"Yo!" yelled Tony, who was spinning in a chair situated behind his desk.  He was tossing a ball to himself, deep in thought.

Y/N opened the door.  He stood there in a smartly creased pair of Navy dress blues clutching a white dixie cup hat in front of him.  He carried an olive green sea bag on his back and a duffle bag sat on the floor by his side.

"Mr. Stark? I'm-"

"Oh, yeah...Popeye the sailor man.  Right, you're starting today.  I think Cap mentioned that at our last meeting," he shrugged.  "I don't know, his speeches generally have me glazed over within seconds."

Y/N had set his sea bag down and was rummaging through his duffle bag.  He pulled out a manilla envelope and stood back up.  "I've got my orders here, Mr. Stark, if you'd like." He walked over to Tony's desk, arm outstretched.  Tony recoiled at the gesture. 

"Two things there, Popeye.  First: don't call me Mr. Stark, it makes me feel like my old man.  Second: I don't like being handed things."

Y/N paused, looked at Tony and then at the envelope in his outstretched hand, and slowly yet awkwardly placed the envelope on the edge of the desk.  Leaning out of his chair, Tony slid the envelope toward himself slowly, not breaking eye contact with Y/N.


"Yes, boss?"

"You got any info on where Y/N is staying?"

"Yes.  You put him in 4B, right next to Pietro Maximoff and right across from Wanda Maximoff."

"Did I do that?" he mused.  He had opened Y/N's envelope and was shuffling through the various papers: service records, discharge papers, official orders, letters of recommendation from his superiors, records detailing various awards he'd received, copies of battle reports, and other various documents.

"Yes boss," replied F.R.I.D.A.Y.  "And you put his key in your paperclip holder."

He fished around his paperclip holder, which sat over near the three computer monitors on the left side of his desk.  "Well what do you know?  Here they are!" He handed the key ring to Y/N.  "Apartment 4B.  Turn right when you leave, take the elevator to the fourth floor, take a left out of the elevator, go down the hall, two rights, and it's there somewhere."

"Thank you," said Y/N.  "Anything else?"

"Nope.  Someone will let you know what's going on."  Tony had refocused his attention to the ball.

"Thanks," said Y/N as he shouldered his seabag and picked up his duffle bag.  He started down the hallway when he heard Tony's voice emanating from the office.

"Hey shut the door on your way out!"

Y/N turned his head when he heard Tony shout.  He turned the rest of his body and headed back to the door where he shut it rather aggressively.  His first impression of Tony was that he was arrogant and rather dismissive.  He reminded him of a Chief he'd known during his first enlistment.  Arrogant and a pain in his ass, Y/N found him to be insufferable but a half-decent leader.  He tried to recall the rather confusing directions Tony had just given to him.

Take the elevator to the fourth floor, he remembered, and then a right and two lefts...or was it a left and a, it was definitely two lefts and a right.  Either way he'd find it soon enough.

He made his way down the hallway, taking in his new surroundings.  The building was modern but it wasn't cold.  He noted the huge glass wall that gave way to the lawn that was surrounded by the woods, a parking lot, and an extensive obstacle course. He observed the different offices and conference rooms that stretched down the hall.  He got to the end of the hall where the elevators were located and pressed the up button.  He dropped his duffle bag to the ground with a loud thud.  He groaned and flexed his hand, which was fatigued from carrying everything he owned.  He kicked it into the elevator once its doors opened.  Pushing the '4' button, he leaned against the cool steel railing in an effort to take the pressure off his shoulders.

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