Chapter 2 - North Star

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"Shit," Wanda said as she yet again failed to clasp her necklace together. Normally she never struggled with putting the golden chain on, but today she was accounting for another fact: wedding day jitters. Shaky hands and a lingering sense of anxiety and pressure made even the simplest of tasks all the more difficult. She looked up, uncrossed her eyes and shook her head before returning to the chain that was stretched out in front of her face.

"Oh come on now sis. Don't tell me you can't put your own necklace on on your wedding day?"

Wanda jumped. She was so focused on trying to put on her necklace that she hadn't noticed Pietro looming behind her in the mirror.

"Jesus!" she clutched the necklace in her hand as she whipped around to lock eyes with a dopey-grinned Pietro. "Don't do that!" Each word was interrupted with a sharp smack on Pietro's shoulder, the phrase itself drowned out by his raucous laughter.

"It might be your wedding day, but you're still my sister and I'm still allowed to annoy you even after you're married. And I know because Y/N told me I could," he said, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. He paused and took a moment to really look at Wanda. Her white dress was simple yet elegant. It hugged her body perfectly and she looked stunning. Her fiery red hair was neatly done up, courtesy of Yelena and Natasha, who spent hours on her hair and makeup. Her engagement ring, a gold band with an emerald set in it, waited patiently for its mate upon her ring finger. And the gold necklace, the one with two entwined hearts, the one that Y/N had gifted her on their first anniversary, hung undone around her neck. "Wow," he whispered. "Wands, you look beautiful."

"You think so?" she responded, a hint of hesitation in her voice.

"Oh yeah. I mean, wow, you're giving me a run for my money as the more attractive twin!" Wanda shot him a warning look.

"If you think you could pull this dress off then come on, give it a go. We'll see who's got the better looks then!" she retorted.

"Seriously, sis, you look amazing. Y/N's not gonna know what hit him when he sees you." His grin switched from dopey to genuine with these words. Wanda turned to the mirror. She looked back at her reflection while playing with the ring on her finger.

"I wish they were here. I want them to be here." Her eyes dropped to her hands as she spoke in little more than a whisper.

Pietro didn't need to say anything. He understood. The noticeable absence of their parents from the day's celebration weighed heavily on both their hearts.

"I know," he sighed.

"It's just not fair," she sniffled. Wanda wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, hoping her waterproof makeup was indeed waterproof.

Pietro reached into his pocket and pulled out a small pack of tissues. "Here," he said, handing her a tissue. "I figured someone should bring tissues, what with the way both of you can get."

Wanda laughed as she dabbed at her eyes. "Thanks...I think?" She handed Pietro the wet, crumpled tissue.

"You know, they're still here with us right now. And they'll be here all day, too. And I know that they're so proud of you. I wish they could be here too, because as excited as I am to walk you down the aisle I would give anything to see dad walk you instead."

"I know," Wanda said as she began to cry again. "They would've really loved it here today."

"Hey, hey, stop that now. If you keep crying, I'm gonna cry, and you know I'm an ugly crier." Wanda laughed at Pietro's remarks as he held her head in his hands, thumbing away her tears.

"Yeah, you are," she giggled.

"Now wait a minute, you're supposed to say 'oh no Pietro, you are the prettiest crier of them all,' not agree with me!"

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