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Eddie leans his back against the locker and lets out a frustrated breath. He pays no attention to the busy hallway filled with passing students on their way to their next class. The sound of their loud conversations and lockers slamming shut is adding to his headache. Fuck, he needs a cigarette.

"I told you once and I'll tell you again, Henderson, find a sub for Sinclair. I don't care how you do it, but make it happen." Eddie gives Dustin a look as Dustin grabs a book from his locker.

"I'm working on it," Dustin says, closing his locker.

"Work harder. There is no time to waste." Eddie taps his watch on his wrist. Dustin groans as he walks away with slumped shoulders.

Eddie laughs to himself as he watches Dustin turn the corner of the hall. He loves messing with him. Eddie has always wondered what it would be like to have a sibling, and now he knows.

"Get to class, Eddie." Principle Higgins says with his arms crossed. He's always sneaking up on Eddie when he least expects it. It's really fucking annoying.

The bell rings and Eddie groans, pushing himself off the lockers and walking toward his class. He doesn't say a word to principal Higgins, instead Eddie flashes him a fake smile and salutes him with two fingers on his forehead.

Eddie makes it to class before the lesson begins, which is a first. He slides into the chair at the desk in the back, leaning back in a relaxed position. He's fully prepared to check out once the lesson begins. He should pay attention since he's barely passing this class, but he's just not interested. Maybe he will be better tomorrow, but he's already made up his mind to zone out and focus on the song he needs to finish writing.

He pulls a pen out of his pocket and begins doodling on his hand as the teacher starts the lesson. A knock on the classroom door grabs everyone's attention except Eddie's.

"Happy Friday. I'm sorry to interrupt. Ms. O'Donnell." The school's receptionist's voice comes from the opened classroom door.

Eddie continues doodling a Goblin from Dungeons and dragons playing guitar. Ms. O'Donnell tells the receptionist it's fine and asks how she can help her. The classroom is silent besides a girl popping her chewing gum and another student tapping their pencil on the desk.

"I have the new student I told you about yesterday, Ms. Kenna Hastings."

Eddie almost pulls a muscle as he looks up, so fast that his vision is blurred for a heartbeat. Only her name echoed in his head.


Eddie is on the edge of his seat with perfect posture. Maybe he's imagined it. There is no way they just said her name. The door opens wider and Kenna walks in. It's her. It's really her, Eddie thinks.

Her long chestnut hair flows behind her as she moves. Eddie wants to laugh because it feels like a scene from a damn movie, where the girl moves in slow motion. The once six-year-old girl is now a young woman. She's beautiful, so fucking beautiful, and Eddie can't breathe. He's literally forgotten to take a breath.

Eddie is comparing Kenna to the version of her that he first met. She's taller, her hair shinier, and her face is more filled out, but her eyes...those damn eyes are still the same. Eyes filled with years of added sadness, a pit of despair. She never flew away like she wanted to, and that makes him sad.

The teacher welcomes Kenna and directs her to take a seat. Eddie doesn't hear a word from the teacher talking to the class. He's stuck in a trance. Kenna's eyes look around the room as she makes her way to her desk. Her eyes meet Eddie's for a split second and a vision of her hiding under her bed flashes in his mind.

𝘗𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯  | Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now