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𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮 \ "𝒲𝓇𝒾𝓉ℯ𝓇'𝓈 ℬ𝓇𝒶𝒾𝓃"

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𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮 \ "𝒲𝓇𝒾𝓉ℯ𝓇'𝓈 ℬ𝓇𝒶𝒾𝓃"

February 12, 17:56 p.m.

Words. You just needed to think of the right words!

Y/n L/n had been writing ever since she was young, and the words had always come so naturally. She'd been told countless times that she was talented; that she was gifted. So, it seemed like the obvious choice to pursue writing as a career. Her mind had thought in novel form. It always had. She constantly made connections in her brain about various things she'd seen and knew.

Taehyung knew you were special; because you managed to see the amazingly small yet significant things in everyone around you and were always able to articulate them into words. So why, now, did Y/n find it so damn hard to come up with the right words for her paper? The creative writing class you had chosen to take started off amazing. But that was the keyword: started off. Y/n's work was applauded. Maybe she had gotten too cocky, and that's why she was now struggling.

Of course, she'd been given a prompt, but she just wasn't sure where to go with this prompt. It wasn't exactly a hard prompt to answer of course; she just hadn't experienced enough of this in life to know how to answer. The computer screen in front of you was blank. Words were supposed to be there on that document. They should be there. While it was worth a massive amount of points toward your grade as it was now halfway through the quarter, it was still just another paper.

However, nothing came to mind. It was like your mind had shifted its focus, and what was normally crisp and clear was now fuzzy and confusing. This was the third-night Y/n had sat at the desk in her apartment, staring off into space as she tried to find inspiration. And for the third time, the blank computer screen's document in front of her remained just that: white, and blank. Whether it was the same force that caused her natural talent to muddle into grey, or as a result of the stress from writer's block, inspiration had evaded Y/n for many nights.

She continued to sit, staring blankly at the computer as she screams in frustration, wondering why the bloody hell she cannot come up with anything to write? A poor sight for Taehyung to watch, who was in pain at the thought of his precious girl struggling to keep calm. Suddenly, he had a lightbulb go off. He couldn't put the words into her head, as this was her assignment, and he knew eventually she would figure out what to write, but he could always just...you know...spark some inspiration with a bit of fantasy magic.

So, that's exactly what he did. As Y/n sat there that night, suddenly starting to feel bad for turning down froyo with Jungkook, and wishing she'd gone as a way to maybe grab inspiration, she decides to get up to grab a snack, hoping that taking a break might strike some inspiration if she takes her mind off of what is bothering her to begin with. So, Taehyung watches as Y/n stands up from her desk, and makes her way to the kitchen.

Feeling bad for probably hurting Jungkook's feelings, she messages him requesting to go another day, which of course only enrages Taehyung, whom she ignores. (Seeing as she doesn't know he's there). He happily messages back, helping her to find a day when they could go together, her unaware of the fact that he meant it as a date. Sighing at his love's un-realization, Taehyung leans against the wall where he is sitting, and continues to watch Y/n, who grabs her favorite snack out of the pantry, smiling at the familiar taste.

'Ah, poor girl,' Taehyung thinks, 'so unaware of Jungkookie's intentions, and can't beat her writer's block on top of that.' He snaps his fingers, and suddenly, Y/n puts down what she is eating, and gasps.

"Oh my god, I've got it!" She says excitedly. "I've got to start writing!!"

She quickly abandons snack time in the kitchen, and races back into her room, plopping herself down at her desk to start writing. Her long, slender fingers rapidly type away at the poor keyboard, as ideas just continue to flow and flow. Sure, Taehyung had given her a little bit of help, but it wasn't like he was doing the work for her. He just gave her another fantasy to strike some inspiration. That's totally different.

So that evening, after back sitting down where you had spent three long and torturous nights before, you started to write about everything you'd thought about. Even the bad things, because most of the time in writing, no idea was a bad one. You just had to be careful when it came to revisions. So suddenly, Y/n had then found the words; the words that she'd been looking for. It was only a few paragraphs, and definitely not enough, but it was a good starting amount.

Y/n knew that she would probably end up scrapping some of her ideas in the end, but it was words, nonetheless, and words to answer the prompt in her own fashion. Her fingers continued to viciously attack the keyboard, almost murdering it in the process as she formed multiple-coherent lines about the feelings she'd managed to foster during the three-day time span, (along with her final strike of inspiration) which now materialized on the document. It was a start. Finally.

Y/n smiles as she continues to type, happy that she's finally starting to figure out her prompt. She's barely even aware that by the time she finishes all of her rough draft, it's already two o'clock in the morning. Whoopsie. Well, you know what they say: when inspiration strikes, you don't ignore her call! Oops, that's in reference to destiny or whatever. But same meaning all the less!

Y/n falls asleep at her desk that night, content to have finally produced a draft to revise for her assignment, unaware at the prying eyes in which consumed all of her being. Taehyung strokes her hair gently, kissing the top of her head.

"I love you," he says, admiring how even exhausted and passed out at a desk, you still managed to look like a goddess from above. His goddess. His, and only his.

Not wanting you to have a backache in the morning from sleeping hunched over at your desk, he carefully picks up your sleeping form, carrying it over to your bed, and tucking you under all of the fluffy blankets and comforters that coated the mattress. He watches in awe as you reach over, snuggling into the blankets, grabbing one of the many plushies that adorned your bedside to cuddle with as you fall further into a deep sleep. His eyes fill with love and adoration as he reaches down and kisses your forehead again.

"So cute." Taehyung comments, unable to help himself from snapping a photo into his camera role. "Aww," he sighs in utter bliss. "If only I could do this for real; put you to bed every night. But sometime soon, my sweet. You will be mine, and not just my valentine."

You mumble something incoherent in your sleep as Taehyung internally 'awes' again, and decides that a few more minutes with you can't hurt. This wasn't stalking, it wasn't. It wasn't! Right...? Against his better judgement, and thinking with his heart, instead of his brain, he slips into the bed with you, pulling your body close to his. Of course, he knew you were a heavy sleeper, so this likely wouldn't wake you.

In a word? Pretty much all of Taehyung's fantasies were coming true right now.

He inhaled your scent, sighing in pleasure as he did so. Y/n doesn't make things any better for him (or her own situation) when she flips onto her opposite side where Taehyung is holding her, and cuddles into him, likely at the warmth he was radiating. She rests her head on Taehyung's chest; sending waves of euphoria rippling through him. He bites his lip at the obvious problem that was now forming down below, and tries to just enjoy what may be one of the only times he is able to hold his sweetheart. (You know, for now).

"I love you." He whispers again, unable to believe that his fantasy of holding Y/n was coming true. Even if she didn't know it. "My rose," he whispers next, gently tracing shapes on your sleeping face, and feeling relaxed enough for once in a long time in order to fall asleep. Asleep with his sweetheart in his arms.

Just what was that amazing strike of inspiration that Y/n had enough to cause her to stop snacktime? Well what else other than another fantasy of Taehyung himself?

To be continued...

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