𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓

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He learned from his father that telling someone about your fears makes you seem weak. It makes you vulnerable.


Jay clears his throat "would you excuse us for a moment?" The king looks questioningly at his son "Us?"

Jay doesn't wait for an answer and nods. Jungwon is just as confused as everyone else. He's even more confused when Jay grabs his hand and pulls Jungwon with him.

Jungwon gives a short bow and shrugs when Niki and Sunoo look at him in confusion. He doesn't know himself what that's supposed to mean and, to be honest, he's a little worried.

When they left the hall, they are almost alone in the corridor. There are only a few guards left in the hallway. Jungwon looks at the prince uncertainly "Sir, did I do something wrong?" Jay smiles and shakes his head "I want to show you something".

He walks down the hall, when Jungwon doesn't follow him, he backs away and takes his hand again, which only confuses him more.

Two of the guards run after them and Jay orders them to stay back with a hand signal "I want to be alone with him. It's okay." The guards go back. Jungwon releases his hand from the prince's grip and runs after him, still unsure.

Where is he taking him? Why does he want to be alone? What does he want to show him? He doesn't even know him. Jay heads for a balcony door, causing Jungwon to stop. "You dont need to be afraid." says Jay calmly. "How do you know-?" Jungwon asks in disbelief. Jay smirks "oh please, that's obvious"

Jungwon swallows, how could he have noticed? Does he watch everyone so carefully? "Come on, nothing happens."

Jungwon overcomes himself and steps out onto the balcony next to the prince. A cold wind awaits them both. Thanks to the roof they don't get wet. When lightning lights up the sky, Jungwon flinches.

"Why do you like thunderstorms, Prince Jongseong?"

Jay smiles briefly "Because it proves that sometimes nature needs to scream too".Jungwon turns his gaze to the prince and ponders these words. He didn't think the prince was so poetic, but in a way he's right about what he said. That phrase pretty much changed his perspective on thunderstorms.

"Why did you bring me here , prince Jongseong?" "Because I wanted to show you how beautiful thunderstorms are. And because it's exhausting to have to talk to all these people." Jungwon smiles slightly, he understands that quite well. "Then why did you choose me?" "Because I like you, you're personable. I want you to call me Jay, not prince or highness or sir. Just Jay, understood?"

Jungwon doesn't think that's really happening. For the first time that evening, Jay also looks into his eyes, which causes an indescribable feeling in Jungwon. "O-okay. I get it"

Why are those eyes so confusing to Jungwon?


Together, Jay and Jungwon enter the great hall and look around. Jungwon smiles slightly and bows "if you'll excuse me, I'll go back to my family". Jay nods " It was nice talking to you Jungwon" "The joy was all mine"

Jay watches Jungwon walk over to Kim Sunoo, who excitedly talks to him once Jungwon gets to him. Jay smiles and looks around for his brother. Sunghoon most likely disappeared right after the speech and won't reappear until all the guests have left.

Jay always wonders how Sunghoon manages to keep avoiding these situations. He would also like to have this ability.

Jay notices that he is not needed right now and takes the chance to disappear as well. Thoughtfully, he walks through the corridors of the castle and once again ends up in the library. He sits by the window and watches the storm outside.

His mind wanders, unexpectedly to none other than Jungwon. His smile, which automatically makes Jay smile too, not to talk about his dimples.

It feels like they're not done yet, Jay wants to see him again soon. Jay felt comfortable next to Jungwon. He likes Jungwon's company.

 His thoughts are interrupted by the library door, which suddenly opens.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know anyone was here. I beg your pardon" Jay smiles as he recognizes the voice. The library is lit only by his candle, yet he recognizes the person who has just walked in.

"It's okay, stay here. What brings you here Jungwon?"

Jungwon clears his throat and closes the door "I told your father about my love for books and he allowed me to look around the royal library here. I didn't mean to disturb you, I'll be going back."

"No, I said you can stay. I love books too, I'd love to show you my favorite books," Jay suggests. Jungwon places his own candle next to the prince's and happily accepts the offer.

"So what do you like to read?" asks Jay with a smile. Jungwon thinks for a moment "I like everything, it depends on whether the book is well written. As long as it helps me escape from reality and pulls me in, it's perfect," the younger replies honestly. Jay smiles, he's really like him "I can understand that.

Then he got an idea "I'll be right back".

Shortly after, he comes back with a book and hands it to Jungwon "you can have it" Jungwon looks at him in surprise "b-but it's not mine"

"From now on, it is. No arguments, this is an order" Jungwon smiles slightly and looks at the book "thank you".

After a while Jay slams the book he's reading "I think we should both go back. We've been gone for way too long" "You're right about that, thanks Jay. I really enjoyed it." They go back into the hall together and separate again.

"Where have you been?" asks Sunghoon, who is suddenly standing next to Jay. "I could ask you the same thing," Jay replies. "Seriously, where have you been? It never happened that I've been more in the hall than you"

Jay glances at Jungwon across the room, who is talking to Jake and Sunoo. "I was in the library". Sunghoon looks at him "and why is Yang Jungwon holding your book in his hand, brother? Would you tell me that?"

"I gave it to him to read, problem with that?"

Sunghoon raises his hands "calm down, I have not." He thinks for a moment and then grins "you like him" Jay flicks his gaze to his brother "what makes you think that?"

"Well you disappeared with him earlier, I've seen you guys reappear together twice before and you gave him your book. Even I wasn't allowed to read that. So please what do you think let me assume you like him ?"

Jay blows the air out of his mouth "since when are you so attentive? I think he's nice, now what?"

"Nothing, I didn't say anything. Then you like him, I don't care."

"Good" says Jay and Sunghoon looks at him "you're acting weird" with these words Sunghoon goes somewhere again, Jay doesn't really care where.

He turns his gaze to Jungwon again. He sees that he is dancing with Jia. Jay looks at the two, they don't fit together, as Jay thinks.


𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞:
Hello dears^^ This chapter is a little shorter again because I have a lot more to do at the moment...

School is really exhausting these days. Of course I still write a lot, it's my way to recover, but I still have to study a lot for the exams...I don't know when the next chapter will come as we will be writing a lot of important exams next week.Thanks to everyone who reads my story <3

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