𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏

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The following day, after their classes, Niki and Jungwon go to the castle.

There's no guard at the gate today, which is a bit odd as normally there should always be someone there. Jungwon thinks nothing of it and gets out of the car with his brother. Their driver drives on and the two knock on the large gate.

Soobin opens "Hello gentlemen. The princes are in the stables." The two thank Soobin.
"Shall I accompany the gentlemen?" Soobin asks, but Jungwon shakes his head "We'll find the way, thank you very much" Soobin bows briefly, then Jungwon and Niki go to the stable.

They enter the barn and look around excitedly. They have little experience with horses, they only have their dogs. "Jay? Sunghoon?" Niki now asks quietly.

Sunghoon sticks his head out of a box and then approaches them "I didn't know you were coming. Jay is over there Jungwon," Sunghoon winks. Jungwon thanks him and goes to a box. "hey"

Jay turns around and smiles slightly "Jungwon...hi" Jungwon also smiles briefly and looks at the horse that Jay is standing by. "Come here, he's really gentle."

Jungwon swallows and takes a step towards Jay. The horse snorts and Jungwon flinches. Jay laughs lightly. "Come here, I'll make sure nothing happens to you".

Jay takes the younger man's hand and gently pulls him towards him. "Let him sniff your hand"

Jay guides Jungwon's hand to the horse's nose. As the warm breath tickles Jungwon's skin, he chuckles softly. "See? Everything's all right," says Jay contentedly.

"Are you all right too?" Jungwon asks now. Jay just nods.

Jungwon has the feeling that this is not true. When he arrived he looked so surprised...

"I honestly forgot you guys were coming... I think we should postpone our prank" Jungwon looks at Jay confused "you forgot that I wanted to come?"

Jungwon is a bit disappointed. "Hey, I'm sorry. Earlier... something happened here at the castle last night and it really upset us all."

Jungwon notices that this matter is very preoccupying for the elder. Jungwon puts his hand on Jay's shoulder "what's up? What happened Jay?"

Jay sighs "Dad said not to tell anyone but I want you to know. There was a break in and all of my grandmother's jewelry was stolen. It may not sound bad but the jewelry is of very high value. Emotionally too. It was everything we had from grandma..."

Jungwon sees a few tears glistening in Jay's eyes. "I'm sorry... is there anything I can do for you?"

Jay shakes his head "I just hope we see things again. Grandma was very important to me, she died when I was ten. I miss her so much" Jungwon puts a hand on the crown prince's cheek "it'll be fine"

"Sorry for crying" says Jay, taking a step away from Jungwon. He wipes away the few tears and takes a deep breath.

Jungwon goes to Jay "hey, look at me. You're allowed to cry, it's okay to cry. Even if you think it's not. You're the crown prince, you'll be the king one day and you're a role model but that doesn't mean that you always have to be strong."

Jay looks at him, he just looks at him and smiles slightly. "Can I do something for you?"

Jungwon now asks, smiling softly. Jay shakes his head but then says "Jungwon... there is one thing" Jungwon, who was about to leave, goes back to Jay and looks at him questioningly. "What?"

"Can you hug me?" Jay asks shyly. Jungwon didn't expect that, so he's a bit taken by surprise. "If I'm allowed to... after all, you're the crown prince..." he looks at Jay uncertainly. "You're not supposed to do that, but I'm not the crown prince for you. You don't have to do it..."

Jungwon interrupts Jay by simply hugging him. He puts his arms around him and gently hugs him. Jay rests his head on the younger boy's shoulder and closes his eyes. "I haven't had a hug in a long time," he says, tightening his grip on the boys' back.

Jungwon smiles, making his dimples appear. He slowly strokes Jay's shoulder and waits until he pulls away from him again.

Jungwon and Jay go to the castle together. Niki and Sunghoon disappeared a while ago.

Jay sits down again in front of the window in the library and Jungwon looks for a new book because he finished reading the old book. When Jungwon wants to sit down on a chair, Jay says something.

"Read to me". "Why?" "I want to escape from reality with you. Please, just for today."

Jungwon sits down with him. Jay makes room for him. So they sit and Jungwon reads, his back against Jay's chest. They don't know why but they both enjoy it.

Jay pulls him closer, Jungwon smiles.

And today they escaped together.

Jungwon once said in a video that he likes watching videos of horses and Jay then said that he sometimes does too. That's why I wanted the two of them to have something to do with horses in the story^^

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