𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟔

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"My heart was yours since I first saw you. Even if it was some time after you first saw me"


Jungwon opens his eyes the next day and looks out the window. The sun shines in. He smiles and thinks about last night. Did that really happen?

Did he really kiss the crown prince?

He sits up and goes to his window to see outside. He'll have to answer a lot of questions when he leaves his room and he doesn't feel ready for it. At some point he has to answer all the questions.

He has more to deal with than just answering his family's questions. There's so much more to come for him and Jay. But Jungwon is still sure that he will make it together with Jay. They will go on side by side. No matter how difficult it gets.

Jungwon takes a deep breath and grabs the doorknob after getting ready for the day.

When he enters the dining room he only sees his little brother Niki sitting there. His parents probably had breakfast much earlier. Jungwon sits down next to his brother and briefly says "good morning".

Niki grins at him "you really think you can just come in here and say good morning?Dad told us what romantic confession Jay made. I want to know what happened after dad left!" says Niki and eagerly stuffs some fruit into his mouth.

Jungwon looks at him in embarrassment, "we went for a walk," he replies to his brother. Niki raises an eyebrow "that's it?". Jungwon nods "it wasn't anything special anymore..."

Niki laughs lightly, "Unfortunately, I don't believe you. Have you kissed? Are you together now?" Jungwon's little brother asks excitedly.

Jungwon sighs and winces a little when he hears his father's voice "I'd like to know that too!"."Good morning," Jungwon says after he's finished coughing."So?" asks the Count, turning to his son. "I don't know exactly..." replies Jungwon. "You make such a fuss and then you don't talk about your relationship to each other?" Jungwon's father now asks.

Jungwon is quite overwhelmed. "I think we're dating," he says a little uncertainly. "You have to clarify that," Niki says firmly. Jungwon nods.

"Good morning, sorry for the disturbance" says Felix's voice. The family turns to Felix."A letter from the king," says Felix, handing the Count an envelope. The Count frowns "A royal letter and it's not for Jungwon? Wow" he grins and looks at Jungwon with amusement.

"An invitation for the king's birthday!" reads Jungwon's father out loud. "Cool" says Niki and jumps up to read the letter."When is the festival?" Jungwon now asks."In three days," the count replies to his eldest son. Jungwon nods. That's how long he can wait to talk to Jay.


The day of the festival has come. Jungwon is excited. He would see Jay today for the first time after their kiss. He didn't even know if he was ready for it, but he didn't want to back down. He couldn't lose Jay.

Arriving at the castle, they first congratulated the king on his birthday. Jungwon looked around, but he couldn't see Jay anywhere. "Jongseong is in the library," the king said softly, winking at Jungwon. Jungwon cleared his throat and looked down, a little embarrassed. Hopefully the king didn't feel offended.

"Go to him," said the Count, and gave his son a slight push in the direction of the door. Jungwon nodded and looked at the two of them gratefully.

On the way to the library, he met Sunoo. "Hey Jungwonie! How are you?" said his best friend happily when he saw Jungwon. Jungwon stopped and smiled just as cheerfully "good! Very good and you? We haven't seen each other for a long time". Sunoo nodded "I'm fine too"Jungwon nods happily.

He flinches when he feels a hand on his back. "So here you are," Jay's voice said. Sunoo raises his eyebrow and watches them both with interest. "Hey" says Jungwon and smiles at the crown prince. "I missed you," the prince says softly, but Sunoo seems to hear it anyway. "You two..." says Sunoo now and crosses his arms in front of his chest. "Yes?" asks Jay.

Jungwon looks at his best friend again "we haven't seen each other and I wanted to tell you personally..." he admits and looks at his best friend apologetically. "Are you...?" asks Sunoo and looks at the two. "I think so..." says Jungwon. "Can you finish your sentences? I don't understand your language somehow" Jay says and laughs lightly. "I apologize," Sunoo says, tilting his head slightly to the ground.

"He wanted to know if the two of us are together," Jungwon answered, turning to Jay. "Sunoo didn't know?" asks Jay with wide eyes. Jungwon shakes his head. Somehow he feels really bad not to have told his best friend about it. Even if Sunoo isn't mad. "Sorry I didn't tell you anything," Jungwon says sheepishly. Sunoo claps his hands enthusiastically "I'm so happy for you!"

"Are they finally together?" asks the voice of Heeseung. We all turn to the crown prince's best friend. Jay nods. "Wow, well done," Heeseung says, patting his best friend on the shoulder. "You can be glad I didn't grab him," Heeseung grins. Jay rolls his eyes "You wouldn't have had a chance anyway". Heeseung winks "sure?". Jungwon puts his arm around Jay "Certainly not.""I think we should go back to the hall," Sunoo smiled. "Where are your siblings?" Jungwon asks Sunoo. "Jake must be with Sunghoon and Niki," Sunoo replies. "I don't know anything about Jia," Sunoo said, shrugging. The small group now makes its way back to the main hall.

As they enter the hall, everyone is just standing up. All eyes are on the king, who looks like he's about to give a speech. Jay goes to his parents and Sunghoon. Jungwon, Heeseung and Sunoo join Niki, Jake and Jia.

"Thank you dear ones for being here. Today is my birthday and I am happy that I can celebrate it with my friends. However, I am not only standing here to thank you but also to say something to you. Many of you been wondering for a while when my heir to the throne will introduce his love."

Jungwon looks at Jay in panic. He didn't know that the king would say that now. He's not ready for this.

Jay shrugs and looks questioningly at his father. Apparently he doesn't know about it either...

"I beg you to wait. My son will announce it when he is ready. Many will not be able to understand it, but please accept it. As your king, I ask you to accept my son, for so do I."

Jungwon breathes a sigh of relief. He is so grateful to the king.Niki has noticed the panic his brother has gotten and puts a hand on his shoulder.

After the speech, Jungwon thanks the king.

Jay goes to the library with Jungwon.

"I was so afraid he would say my name..." Jungwon admits. "Me too..." says Jay."Jungwon, I want you to know that I love you. I'll announce it when you're ready. I'll wait until you're 100% ready."

Jungwon puts his hand on the crown prince's cheek "Please don't think I didn't want the public to know about us...I'm just afraid that we'll lose our respect" he admits. Jay nods "I understand your fear. I will stay by your side, forever. And our friends will stay by our side too."

The two went back to each other and enjoyed the day with their families and their friends.


In the evening, when almost everyone had left, they went outside.

The sky is clear. The two could see the many stars in the sky. It felt like the stars only shine for the two of them.

"The stars are beautiful tonight," Jungwon said, gazing at the sky dreamily.

But Jay wasn't looking at the stars. He looked at his star.A sky full of stars and he kept looking at him.

The most beautiful star, Yang Jungwon.

The end


Wow... The book is finished. Thank you so much. Thank you for reading my first book here on Wattpad. Thank you for your patience and your support. I'm already planning the next book, but I can't say exactly when I'll upload it.

My writing style has changed a lot over time. I know this book may not be a masterpiece, but I still really enjoyed writing it!See you soon, your Mije

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