Mituna x Reader: A Captoriffic Day

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Requested by: ToyBonnieGirl
Next up: GHB x Reader for fallenfromthelight
Sorry for taking so long...;-; next request WILL BE UP SOON!


"YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" You screamed as you grabbed the alarm clock and threw it across the room. It was wireless so it still kept beeping. Even though you threw it across the room. And your floors were wood.

"I swear that thing is possessed."

You got up and shut the alarm clock off. Placing the demon device (you swear it said 6:66) in a dark corner, you got back into bed and began to browse the Internet.


It's not your clock this time (thank gog). That's your Skype account. Someone wants to talk to you...

Your heart pounds as you open the application. Maybe it's Mituna...

Okay, so maybe you have a crush on Mituna. More like definitely, but still. There are so many things you like about him...

His willingness to try skateboarding over and over, even though he knows he will fail.

His adorable lisp. Like seriously, hot DAYUM.

His happy smile.

His ability to cuss people out and not look one bit guilty about it.

His dedication to his friends...Especially Latula.

Oh, who are you kidding. He probably likes her. But you can try, right?

All of this goes through your mind quickly as you open Skype. To your delight, Mituna's face appears on the screen. He smiles when he sees you.

"(Y/n)! 5UP 817CH!"

"Hey Mituna."

You aren't really fazed by his cursing. You were a bit upset the first time he called you a name, but you soon learned it was his nature.

"1 W45 WOND3R1NG 1F Y0U-Y0U-5H17!" He begins to twitch. Oh dear, you have to go help him.

"I'll be right over, Mituna." You give him a big smile. He smiles back before he closes the chat.

You quickly change into (whatever you want, I'm not your mother) and head outside. It is a lovely day out, and the wind gently caresses your hair.

You begin to run towards Mituna's hive. It's not that far away, just a block, so you make it there in no time flat.

Knocking on the door, you wait a bit before you hear Mituna shuffling down the hallway to the door. You hear a "5H17" and a "1 H473 7H353 FL00R804RD5" before he makes his way to the door.

Opening the door, he grins at the sight of you. "H3Y (y/n)."

Mituna P.o.V. (Point of View)

As I let (y/n) in, I thought about why I had called her over.


"Hey Mituna! I have some news!" Latula yelled to me as I put my helmet on.

"WH475 7H3 N3W5, L47UL4?" I asked as I fixed the helmet onto my head firmly yet comfortably.

"The good news is that I got invited to a skating and gaming convention! Totes radical, right?" Her bright smile radiated in the room.

Latula and I had dated, but it felt so...awkward. So we broke it off and still stayed best friends.

"4W350M3!" I cheered.

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