Yandere!Vriska x Fem!Reader: A Mission

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(okay so I haven't updated DIDDLY SQUAT in a long time, so here you go, something I mashed together. Also, gore warning.)
(B/F)=best friend
[Art by sugar-doodles (Deviantart)]

You've known Vriska since fourth grade, so she's a friend of yours. Now the two of you go to Andrew Hussie Academy (AHA). It's more like a rundown, wacky school, but Principal Hussie decided to call it an academy because of the initials it would spell.

Now, it was just another average day. You were walking to lunch with (B/F), feet making soft noises on the tile, when Vriska showed up, a devious grin on her face as usual.

"Hey (Y/n)," she said, causing (B/F) to shoot her a glare. Your best friend was kinda clingy and didn't like you to be around certain people, Vriska being one of those particular people.

"Mind if i sit with ya at lunch today?" Vriska's lips, painted with a nice shade of cerulean, spread into a grin. Even if (B/f) hated her, you couldn't really say no.

"Sure thing!" you said. The three of you walked to lunch, (B/f) sulking, you smiling, and Vriska humming.

The lunch table was a bit crowded, but you didn't mind. The more, the merrier, after all! But your other friends gave Vriska weird looks of...disgust? Anger? You couldn't tell, but they weren't good.

"Hey guys. If you don't know her, this is Vriska," you announced. They all just stared at her.

"Geez, way to be fucking friendly," you muttered as you sat down. The rest of the lunch period, you and Vriska ate and made jokes, while the others shot you dirty looks.

When your table was dismissed, Vriska waved and went away. "Seeeeeeee ya later, (Y/n)!" Then she was gone. You could almost imagine a trail of blue smoke streaming out from behind her.

(B/f) leaned close to you and whispered in your ear. "Ugh, I don't like her. She's just so...ugh!"

"Hey, watch it. She's my friend," you argued.

"So am I!" (B/f) sighed. "Look, I don't know if you can see it, but she looks like trouble. I wouldn't trust her if I were you. Got it?"

"Sure, whatever." Deep down, you felt miffed. Vriska was your friend; (B/f) wasn't supposed to diss her! This is why you spent a lot of time inside: people can be incredibly aggravating sometimes. But Vriska wasn't a bad person, you could say that much.

Speaking of Vriska...


Vriska opened her locker and got her books out, carefully sorting through the mess of papers and whatnot to reach her stuff. She smirked.

As if I didn't know those bitches were glaring at me! I'll get payback later. But right now, I need to get the plan ready.

To tell the truth? Vriska fell in love with you the more she got to know you. Every step you took, every word you spoke, made her fall into a pit of ooey-gooey feelings, and her head slowly swirled into a cloud of obsession revolving around you.

But those stupid 'friends' of (Y/n)'s were getting in her way. Vriska was utterly obsessed with (Y/n) by now, and would do anything for her, even kill.

She picked up her books and slammed her locker shut by kicking it. Smiling, Vriska walked to class. She had a mission, a plan, with eight steps. And it was time to put it into action.

Step One: Get close.

You and Vriska were close in fourth grade, but she was rekindling the friendship like never before. Sometimes the two of you had sleepovers (occasionally inviting some of the other trolls). Other times you'd just sit around and talk. (B/f) watched on in anger.

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