Sollux x Reader: Medicine

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wow guess who's back from the dead.

(Post SGRUB/SBURB AU. Everyone is alive on Earth. Trolls and humans live side by side.)

(n/n) = nickname

Sorry this took so long! I hope my writing's improved since my last 'x Reader' was uploaded. Also, content warning for drug use. It's not incredibly serious but better safe than sorry.

Art is by SeiaraL on DeviantArt!


He first saw you at night.

It was a cool evening, the air carrying a slight breeze. Nearly everything was silent apart from the sound of cars and trucks rushing by on the distant highway. Inside of Sollux's hive, if one listened closely, they could hear Mituna screaming as he twiddled his thumbs away with Latula at some game. It was probably Mario Kart.

But honestly, Mituna would be yelling either way. That was usually how it was, no matter what video game the yellow blooded troll played, and Sollux was getting real sick of it. Not even earplugs could help him drown out the other Captor. Or the voices of the doomed, anyways, but there was really nothing he could do about something in his own head. Luckily, they weren't too noisy today.

So he sits outside of his hive on the steps, breathing evenly as he stares up at the stars. They're all tinted blue and red thanks to his glasses; he's too stubborn to take them off. Sollux also hates himself for that. Why is he so adamant about wearing some stupid glasses? He doesn't understand himself sometimes.

And so here he is, staring up at the bichrome sky as the lights in houses and hives alike flicker out. The sun here is bright, reminding him of the stars so far away, but not hot enough to burn his flesh. Even so, adjusting to a diurnal sleep schedule had been difficult. There had been many nights when Sollux had woken up, torn from unconsciousness by his own fucked-up sleeping agenda or the voices of the doomed. Gog dammit, why did they have to stick around?! He'd been fine without them.

Sollux lets out a low hiss as the voices grow in volume, trapped within his head. Their shrieks seem to pound violently within his eardrums, but he knows it isn't real. They aren't real. But even so, the voices are giving him one hell of a headache. He moves his gaze from the stars above down to his hands, which rest on his legs. They blur in and out of visibility for a few seconds as the pounding in Sollux's head becomes more intense, the voices swelling into a cacophony of wailing.

For fuck's sake, he can't even tell what any of them are saying. It's just the blubbering of the soon-to-be-deceased, the doomed, after all.

He shakes his head, letting out a low growl, and decides to focus his attention on something else as to maybe get the voices to decrease in their volume and intensity. At least you have the eyesight to do it, nimwit, a voice chides. No, that's not a doomed voice. That's just Sollux's inner thought process.

And that's when he notices someone walking down the street. They're humming a light tune as they walk, barefoot feet slapping against the ground. Ah, yes. His neighbor. When he first moved in, they never spoke to each other. And frankly, Sollux doesn't want to talk to this stranger. But he watches them anyways, glad to have some distraction from the voices.


It's late at night, but you can't sleep.

Maybe it's the temperature of your house; even with air conditioning, your home could become pretty warm in this season. Or perhaps it is the thoughts about all that's been going on lately that have been keeping you awake. Trolls and humans live side by side, but there's still racism. Geez, just because some people have gray skin and horns (and maybe telepathic powers or murderous tendencies, but whatever) doesn't mean anyone should give them shit for it!

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