Chapter 13 - Elisa

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I concentrated on my breathing, knowing that as I took in deep breaths, I was breathing out the pain. I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing, making sure I didn't move. I couldn't feel the blppd trailing down my arms anymore. I closed my eyes and just sat quietly. I even tried to keep my breathing quiet, I didn't need her finding me again. I had tried to tell her, but she didn't listen, saying that I was a liar and that he would have to tell her. She hadn't even tried to see him, she just continued to come after me like I was prey. This was the third attack; it was worse than the last two.

During the first attack, I was coming home from work, walking to see Sia at the firm. Samara had jumped out of nowhere slapping me hard across the face. I tried to fight back, hitting her with my weak fists, and throwing rocks at her. The rocks helped; she backed off. Sia had seen the attack, and she and Grace asked me hundreds of questions. More questions than what Logan had about Hunter. I knew that he had been missing, that he had not returned from the forest, but I just told Logan I didn't know where he was. It was only when Grace pushed me that I told her what I did. That I rejected him, that I couldn't put my family in danger. Grace told me I was being foolish that the shifters would protect us, we just need to ask. I told her I wasn't going to be responsible for anyone's pain anymore. It was my time to take punishment for my actions. That was when Grace first told me then to tell Logan. Which I didn't, and I made her promise not to tell him. I made them both promise to never say anything to them. I knew that he was spending his time looking for his brother. The brother I had hurt, the brother that I had sent into the forest.

The second time was at work, where I had nothing to throw. I was on my lunch break, sitting in the courtyard when she visited again. I didn't think she knew where I worked. I think it was just a coincidence. But when she saw me, she came at me, shifted mid-jump before biting me hard on the calf. I pulled on the Jaguar's ears so hard that it whimpers and backed off. As she crouched at the end of the yard, Janine arrived with a rifle shooting a warning shot that scared it off. I moved my jumper over my leg hoping Janine didn't see the wound, but I couldn't hide the blood that covered the floor. I could still walk, and I only need a few stitches. Grace and Sia had begged me to tell Hunter. Saying that he could help he would be able to stop her. But I knew he wouldn't want to; he hated me for what I did. I hadn't seen him since, but I knew I would hate my mate if they did that to me. Grace said that she would have to tell Logan. That the police had to know. I agreed but made them promise to not tell Hunter, since they had found him. He had moved on with his life, I wasn't a part of it. I had already hurt him once; I was not his problem anymore.

This time I was at home, hanging out my washing. It had been two weeks since the last attack and I thought maybe she had spoken to him. She had stopped coming after me, but I was wrong. I heard the growl before I felt the pain from the crawls that ripped down my thigh. I grabbed the jaguar's head before she could bite my face. Even though I thought she had lost interest I was still prepared. I reached for the parrying knife in my pocket and stabbed her in the front leg. The jaguar roared jumping away from me with the knife still in its leg. I sat up, each leg had two long gashes from my thigh to my calf. Some of my stitches had come undone. I had a deep punch wound on my forearm from her claw and I was covered in her drool. I crawled to the small shed, which was full of old gardening equipment that didn't work, and some cans of paint. It was dark, and probably full of mice, but I closed the door. Moving into the corner where I sat now.

Sia had gone to see Grace, saying that they hadn't had a chance to tell Logan yet. They were going to do it today. She wanted me to come but I said no. I didn't want to accidentally run into Hunter, I didn't want him to see the stitches. I couldn't live like this for much longer and thought that moving back to the city might be an option. At least she might lose interest then, then again, I had no idea if she was going to hunt me until I died. At least my family would be safe. I stiffened as I heard a growling outside, I held my breath as I heard footstep move through the yard. I had no other knives, and I looked around the shed for something else to use. Moving as slowly as I could I reached for a screw drive that was covered in rust. I had shut the shed door, but it wasn't secure and would be easy to open.

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