Chapter 6

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Art coming! 
TW in the description (it actually is this time XD)

Alberto POV

Alberto swam long passed the boundaries of Corallina and Bravaree. Each stroke of his tail sent a new wave of temptation through him. He wanted to turn back. The Bond was aching for him to go back. But he pushed passed the urge and continued on. He swam through the night, letting the moonlight guide him as he swam further out to sea.

When the first rays of sunlight began piercing the clear water, Alberto descended to a white sand bend covered with sea grass and kelp. He found a patch of grass just hidden under the overhang of a large boulder. He nestled against the stone, finally letting his muscles relax. He hadn't exerted himself like that in a long time.

It felt good.

But the dull ache in his chest was hard to ignore. Every thought brought him back to Luca. But Alberto had to do this. Had to do this for himself and trust that Luca would be ok in his absence.

Alberto sighed as he pulled his pack from his shoulders. It was specially made for divers so the fabric wouldn't break from the saltwater. Inside were some strips of tuna jerky, salmon, and a few bites of tilapia. It would last him a week, but after that, Alberto would have to hunt. And he had just the instrument to do it.

Folded in on itself, Alberto pulled out a metallic rod with a sharp point at the end. It was attached to a rubber loop meant to wrap around Alberto's wrist. A spear for impaling fish with incredible speed.

This would feed him indefinitely. As long as he could find prey, Alberto wouldn't go without food.

Just as he chewed on a piece of jerky, a shadow passed over him. Alberto looked up to see a curious nurse shark swimming by, no doubt attracted by the scent of fish.

"You hungry?" Alberto asked the docile creature.

Nurse sharks were among the most gentle species of shark, and Alberto didn't fear them. The shark swam closer, its size intimidating. It swam close enough for Alberto to run his hand along its back, feeling the sandpaper texture.

"Just this once," Alberto said, throwing a piece of jerky to the sharks gaping maw.

The shark sucked it up quickly, the meat disappearing behind rows and rows of daggerlike teeth.

"That's it, though. I have to save the rest." Alberto said, shooing the beast away.

The shark swam a few lazy circles above Alberto before disappearing into the blue depths.

"Good luck," Alberto said to it as its tail faded from view.

He chewed on one last piece of jerky before closing up his pack, sealing it from more curious noses. Alberto lay down on the soft grass, tired. He closed his eyes and waited for sleep to take him.

It did.

But the grips of sleep were not comforting. Rather, it was like a chain wrapped around Alberto's neck. He couldn't breathe.

"Where is Luca?"

Alberto cried as the chains choked him. A sneering voice echoed all around him.

"You killed him."


Alberto shouted, scaring away a few wondering butterfly fish. He was panting, water pumping through his gills fast. Sleep wasn't rest; it was torture. He waited for his heart to resume its normal tempo before he attempted to rest again.

He looked to his pack and sighed. Unfortunately, this was his only option. He'd have to.

Alberto opened his pack and pulled out a pill dispenser. It was a useful little contraption that held the tablets inside, safe from the salt water. And with the click of a button, it dispensed a single tablet ready for use.

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