Chapter 14

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Luca POV

It was early the following morning, and Luca rubbed his eyes sleepily. The wedding reception went on late into the night, and Luca stayed awake even later to help clean up.

The celebration was... wonderful. But after the initial excitement of seeing his sister getting married and the dancing that followed, Luca felt a missing piece of himself.

"Alberto would have loved this." He often caught himself thinking as couples danced around him. He'd wanted to join them. Slow dancing to the music with his mate...

But... he had danced. With someone.

It happened so fast that Luca's memory strained to remember. But someone had asked him to dance—a young man with a face he recognized. Luca remembered feeling unsure about accepting the invitation but decided there was no harm in it.

And they danced. And talked. And it was... nice. To smile pleasantly with another as the music played slowly around them. Then as quickly as it happened, the boy disappeared into the crowd before Luca had a chance to ask his name.


The early morning was blue with hints of the sun to come as the train hissed on the tracks.

"Did you get all that?" Mattias asked, much too awake for this early in the morning.

Giulia had already bored the train, equally as sleepy as the rest. The pair were on their way to a secret honeymoon location. When Luca asked where they were going, Mattias refused to say.

Yes, it was a surprise for Giulia, but it was more than that.

Word of their whereabouts could not reach Braceleone ears. Mattias was going to celebrate his marriage, but also he was going to protect it. Now that he'd officially betrayed his family, he was taking his new wife to a remote location to hide until Talia gave them the all-clear.

"Yeeees." Luca yawed, but Mattias rolled his eyes.

"Focus, Luca. Let's go over it again. I am taking Giulia... somewhere. I'll protect her. But that leaves all of Portorosso exposed to attack. Until Talia gives us good news, we have to assume an attack might be coming. I need you and the rest of the villagers to set up sentries, both day and night. Watch the roads and the harbor. Get ready, and don't let yourself get caught off guard. I'll send word once Talia has contacted me."

"Does Talia know where you're going?" Luca asked, wondering how they'd communicate.

"I have contacts that can get messages in and out of where I'll be. Let me worry about that. What you need to worry about is protecting this town."

"Got it," Luca assured him, but Mattias didn't look convinced.

"Are you sure? Maybe I can come back and help once I know Giulia is safely hidden."

Luca shook his head.

"Stop worrying, Mattias. The people of Portorosso aren't as helpless as you're making us out to be. Not to mention with the help of Eshe and her warriors, we'll be fine."

Mattias's shoulders sagged with relief.

"Okay. I'll see you later then."

He gave Luca a parting half hug before boarding the train. The whistle blew loudly, and the wheels turned. Luca waved until the train was out of sight.

Now the work began.


Luca was quick to get Massimo, Eshe, and the other fishermen of the village on board. Without question, the group sprung to action. A schedule was set for rotating guards at entrance points to Portorosso. Two guards would stand at each point for a set amount of hours before the next rotation came to take their place. Since Luca worked at the cafe most of the day, he was put on the night watch at the top of the hill.

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