Chapter 10

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No Art

Alberto POV

Alberto watched the water around him get brighter and brighter. The sun was coming up, and he hadn't slept a wink. He forced his eyes open all night and even resorted to counting the scars on his body. There were over thirty of them, ranging from tiny little dots where he'd pricked himself deep with a fishing hook to the giant one in the middle of his chest where Ercole's harpoon had stabbed him... and ended his life.

It was only through the love of his mate that air still passed through his gills. He was alive. All because of Luca.

"No. I can't think about him."

Alberto shook his head and resumed counting the scars on his body. He couldn't think about his mate. Recently it had become too painful.

"Up already?" Grunge's booming voice called, making Alberto jump.

He shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm kind of an early bird." Alberto lied.

"Luca is the early bird."  He thought, then quickly rid himself of the memories.

"Well, good thing, because Yura gets to work first thing in the morning. I help him as long as these old bones can before I'm too tired to continue."

He offered Alberto a pouch.

"Take a sip." Grunge barked. "It's all the breakfast you'll get until Gretta wakes up and makes us a good lunch."

Alberto took the pouch, putting his mouth over the nozzle. He was greeted with the same sweet taste as the day before. The Kelpie's milk. What kind of creature could produce such a revitalizing drink? Suddenly Alberto was awake and alert. It had the same effect as his usual morning espresso but without the jittering that usually came with it.

"Best get goin'. Yura already beat you to the barn."

Alberto nodded, thanked him for the drink, then swam outside. It was still early enough that the light hadn't yet penetrated far into the water, casting everything in murky darkness with thin light above. It took him a while, but eventually, Alberto found the barn. It was five minutes from the clay home. Made up of driftwood and stone, the barn had a large front door, large enough for five fully grown Rusal to pass through without touching.

Alberto pushed at the door; it floated open.

"Hello?" Alberto called, looking for a flash of light blue scales. "Yura?"

Only silence met him. Alberto swam deeper into the barn when the door shut behind him with a SLAM!

Yura was at the door, eyes wide, holding a finger to his mouth.

"Oh! You scared me. I thought—" But Alberto quickly closed his mouth. Yura gave him a look and shook his head fervently, motioning to be quiet.

Then Alberto heard it. The movement of water that could only be made when something large swam through. The walls of the barn creaked as the water pushed against it. Then came the sound of harsh breathing. A snort. A terrible rumbling like a mix between a snarl and a scream.

Then it was gone.

Alberto saw Yura relax.

"What was that?" Alberto asked now that it was safe to speak.

Yura locked eyes with him but said nothing.

"Was it... is it dangerous?" Alberto asked.

Yura nodded his head.

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