Chapter 22

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Author's Note: I've waited so long to post this chapter! Ahhh! :)

Alberto POV

"Marry me, Luca."

Alberto watched the shock on his mate's face. But it was quickly replaced with a conflicted expression, and Luca's eyes fell.

He could sense what Luca was feeling. The guilt.

Alberto stepped closer, bending to meet Luca's gaze.

"Luca, I love you, and I forgive you. I only ask that you forgive me."

"You know I have Alberto. I forgave you the moment I saw you." Luca said, still not looking at him.

"Then," Alberto gently lifted Luca's chin. "Marry me, Luca. Be mine, and I will be yours. I want to share my life with you. Now, and forever."

Luca's eyes glossed over.

"I will."

"Be my husband, and I'll be yours," Alberto said.

"I will." Luca breathed. "I'll be by your side forever, Alberto."

"Then, I'll seal it with a kiss." Alberto breathed and inclined his head.

Luca closed his eyes and felt Alberto's lips press against his. And it was right.

Everything felt right.

The Bond burned hot inside them, their tether connected and pure. Lips that Luca knew moved against his own. And the scent... the scent of Storm filled his senses.

Luca kissed Alberto. And Alberto kissed him.

And they were whole once more.


Alberto POV

The pair walked out of the local jeweler, hand in hand, the tops of their left ears slightly pink.

"That hurt a lot more than I thought it would," Alberto said, rubbing at the new golden loop hanging from the top of his left ear.

Luca had a matching one.

"I think it looks nice; it goes well with your other earring," Luca said, admiring the gold now attached to his mate.

"Still hurt. Giulia did a better job with the needle." Alberto said, then eyed his mate.

"Yours looks lovely on you."

Alberto watched his mate blush, and both ears turned pink.

Engagement rings were a tricky subject for Sireno and Rusal. Because their bodies changed in the water, so did their handsize. A ring that fit in their human form would be painful and tight in their other form. So Luca had come up with a solution.

By piercing the golden loop in the cartlidge of their ears, the wedding band would remain attached to them even if they went in the water. It would dangle from their fins the same way it did their ears.

"So... you're my fiance now," Alberto said, grinning despite himself.

"I guess so."

"When do you want to tell everyone?" Alberto asked.

"Let's wait until Giulia has her baby. We don't want to take the attention away from her. She needs all our focus right now."

"Agreed." Then Alberto shook his head. "I can't believe my sister is having a kid."

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