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    *1 Year Later*

Luca POV

"Remember to bring back your assignments on Monday! If there aren't check marks for your reading, it doesn't count!"

Luca called after the thirty or so students as they dove from the schoolhouse, desperate for the warm weekend ahead. He shook his head as a figure stepped into the now-empty classroom.

"What are the chances of them actually finishing the assignment?" Alberto asked, sliding onto Luca's desk, a slight sunburn on his shoulders.

Luca thought.

"Seeing how the weather is perfect, and the Joining festival goes nonstop for three days, I'd say there is a 25% chance they actually crack open a book."

Alberto laughed.

"Don't be too hard on them; it's a big deal."

Luca smiled.

"I know it is; that's why I'll cut them a break, just this once!" He added quickly.

"Oooh, so strict," Alberto said in mock fear. Luca heard him slide off the desk, then a warmth pressed against his back as he reached to erase something from the chalkboard. A quiet whisper tickled his ear.

"And what if I don't do my homework; going to punish me, teacher?"

Luca rolled his eyes and ducked out from under his husband.

"You are beyond my help."

Alberto laughed.

"I guess that's true."

"How are your preparations for the festival coming? Can I help with anything?"

Alberto thought.

"Tar is ready to go. Damn beast has been preening all day; I think he knows he looks like hot stuff."

"You and Eshe did spend hours working on him. He looks good from what I saw." Luca added as he put away his books for the weekend, preparing to lock up.

"Is Yura bringing his mare?"

Alberto shook his head.

"No. She is too close to having the calf; we don't want to risk her giving birth in the middle of the festival."

Luca nodded, only half listening as he counted the days on the calendar, mentally preparing for the return to class after the long break. The Joining festival was written in big letters over most of the calendar. It was the first time Portorosso would do anything like this, and if it was a success, they all hoped it would happen annually.


Coming together in peace.

That was the theme of the festival. Invitations went out to all the different tribes of Merpeople. The Rusalki and Sireni were obviously already a part of Portorosso's daily life. But they wanted to do more. Reach out more. Show the Merpeople across the globe that peace with humanity is possible, and share how to do it. The Azlo would come, as would several other species that Luca had never before met. Eshe had far-reaching connections as the chieftess and ensured no one was left out. Even the Nochni might come from the depths to see the festivities.

It was a time for celebration but also education. There was so much they didn't know about other Mer, as well as the creatures and cultures they embraced. Tar was the leading example of this. The stallion was dressed with all kinds of traditional Rusalki beading, drapes, and ribbing woven into his main. He looked magnificent, and Luca knew Alberto was excited to show him off.

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