Chapter 24

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Alberto POV

The winter days stretched, long and cold. But a spark of excitement rang through the town when the Holidays came. Talia came to meet her niece and got acquainted with everyone. She updated them on the workings of the new and improved Bracaleone empire. Already, she and her cousins were doing wonders and helping countless people. Alberto was happy to see the burden of guilt lift from Mattias's shoulder with every word she spoke.

But even after the holidays passed, the energy remained.

Fishing season was fast approaching with the disappearing snow, and everyone was preparing their nets. The first day of spring was coming, and with it, new life in the harbor.

Usually, Alberto would be itching to start the fishing season, but this year, only one thing occupied his mind.


His mate.

They spent nearly every day together, but the night was what killed Alberto. Both males held true to their agreement to remain abstinent (more or less) until they were wed.

And Alberto was at his limit.

Especially that morning when Luca opened the door to their room, two mugs of coffee in his hand.

"Morning." He said as brightly as usual.

Alberto groaned, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. But it was less than a second later that his eyes were wide open and his heart tripping over itself.

Luca was wearing those damned red shorts. The same ones that came up higher than the others, that hugged his ass in all the right places, and taunted Alberto to no end.

"Thanks," Alberto said, taking the mug of coffee, but his eyes roamed over Luca's long legs as he sat cross-legged on their bed.

"What are your plans for today?" Luca asked, not noticing the way Alberto's eyes hungered for him.

"What? Oh! I'm going to keep working downstairs. Have to get things ready for the season. I also want to make some additions to the boat." Alberto said, taking his new role as the Pescheria's owner very seriously.

"What about you?" He asked.

"I'm going to visit Nora; then Ksenya asked if I could help with Yura and Misha again."

"So while I'm toiling away with hooks and old fish bait, you get to play with the kids. Lucky." Alberto said but gave Luca a wink.

They spent a lot of time with their nieces and nephew. Understandably, parents need breaks, and that's when the fun-loving uncles get to step in. Luca thrived with the little ones, and Alberto marveled at how naturally it came to him. Alberto was a little more clumsy around them but enjoyed their company just the same. And under threat of death by their mothers, he refrained from teaching them all the bad words he knew.

"You done?" Alberto asked, taking Luca's empty mug and setting it on the nightstand table.

As soon as they were out of his hands, Alberto pounced.

"Hey!" Luca cried as Alberto pinned him to their bed, his shark tooth necklace dangling between them.

Alberto looked at him, mischief in his eyes. But also, barely controlled desire.

"When, my dear fiance, am I going to get to marry you?"

He leaned down, breathing onto Luca's neck until the little male erupted in goosebumps.

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