Chapter 8

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TW in the description
Art by Inkendz!

Luca POV

Luca entered the house, his heart full after the conversation with his dad. But he didn't expect to walk in on a crowd of happy chaos and emotion. The Pescheria was bustling with smiling faces, happy chatter, and many kisses on the cheek.

"What's going on?"

Luca asked as he walked in on the jubilant group. Giulia replied by skipping to him and throwing her arms around his neck.

Luca hugged her back, smiling, her happiness contagious

"Wanna tell me what I'm getting hugged for?" He laughed as she pulled away, her cheeks red and eyes sparkling.

"Luca," She breathed, "You're gonna be an uncle!"

His brows furrowed, trying to comprehend.

"An Uncle? But I don't... OH!!!" He exclaimed, the wheels finally turning in his head. "Giulia! That's amazing!"

He dove in for another hug that she accepted with a little hop.

Luca turned to Mattias, who stood a little ways off. He looked a bit shell-shocked but just as happy as the rest. The Sireno held out a hand to him.


"Thanks." He said, "Still trying to process it all. It's slowly sinking in."

"Well, it better sink in before five months from now because you're gonna be a dad!" Luca said with a laugh.

"Nine." Mattias corrected. "Humans gestate for nine months."

"Oh," Luca said, his eyebrows raised in surprise. "I didn't know that."

Luca grew up in a small, close-knit village of Sireni, so it wasn't a new topic to hear about a baby coming into the world. But Sireni only carried their young for five months before the mothers went into labor.

"Even more time to prepare then," Luca said as Giulia came in for another hug.

They all laughed, joked, and speculated about the future when the door opened, and Eshe walked in. Then the chorus of excitement started all over again as Eshe was brought in on the news.

It was Gabriella who sparked the question that led to silence.

"How far along are you, my dear?" Gabriella asked, holding her little girl tightly.

Luca noticed Gabriella exchange several blushing looks with Massimo.

He wondered...

"Actually... I don't know." Giulia replied.

"I'll call the hospital and have Irena set up an ultrasound immediately," Mattias said, jumping up from the couch, tripping a little in his haste to reach the phone.

Luca laughed.

"He is going to be a great dad." He said, and Giulia and her mother nodded in agreement.

"So would Alberto."

Luca recoiled as the thought struck his head. Did he just think that? Did he... want a family? Would he make a good father?

There was too much commotion for him to think about anymore when suddenly the entire group was putting on shoes to walk to the hospital for the ultrasound.

Giulia POV

Giulia relaxed on the hospital bed while Mattias held her hand. The others were outside in the waiting room.

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