'-'_꩜𝘋𝘢𝘺 𝘖𝘯𝘦 ꩜_'-'

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|Third Person POV|

An ebony hedgehog, wearing navy blue baggy pants with a gun holding attached to his hip...a navy blue jacket with the G.U.N logo on the sleeve as well as a fur trim around the hood, a white tank top underneath the jacket, inhibitor rings on his wrists and ankles, a golden necklace with a charm hanging off of it, that had a small emerald gem and a vine like pattern embedded in the charm, the charm was a locket and opening it had a picture of him a healthier blue hedgehog, with the two kids, on the left was a picture of him and a human female. This is the Ultimate Life Form, Shadow The Hedgehog.

A blue hedgehog, who was wearing a gray sweater, that covered his hands, and baggy pants that were torn at the heels. He was carrying his son, Shaundre, with his daughter, Maria holding onto his leg. This is the Hero of Mobius...Sonic The Hedgehog.

Sonic was slowly getting worst, he didn't have much energy in him like he did before the terrible news, but it didn't stop him from making everyone around him happy, he was discharged from the hospital, and was just spending his time at home, Shadow had been keeping a close eye on Sonic if anything happened he'd be there to help. His ear twitches when he heard someone coughing, he turned his attention to his husband to see the azure hedgehog clinching his chest and coughing violently, he rushed over to help his husband. The azure male's coughing fit lasted a long time but when it was finished he had some blood dripping from his lips, and his hand covered in blood, his lungs were the first to go...after all a runner like him needs his lungs.

The azure hedgehog wipes the blood away from his lip, and just smiles, he always knew how to turned a bad situation into a fun one, but this just means that he couldn't push himself...when it came to running, and Shadow will have to keep an eye on that. The blue hedgehog sits down on the floor in front of his two kids to play with them.

Shadow knows that Sonic was getting weaker each day, though it was slow, but is noticeable. He lets out a soft sigh, but he was going to make sure that Sonic has the best last moments of his life. Something like a Death Party.

The rest of the day went on like normal, Sonic reminded happy, for his kids even though he knew that he was going to have to leave them forever, but he didn't want to think about it, he tucks them both into bed, giving them kisses on the head, before turning to Shadow and leading him out of the kids bedroom closing the door, leaving it open just a crack.

"Are you okay? I can take you to the doctor if your no-"

"I'm okay Shadow..." Sonic interrupted him, the azure hedgehog looks at the photo on his twenty-second birthday. Even then he was already struggling with death. "I just want to go out with a bang...not literally though, just with the people that I care about the most..." he admits.

"I can do that" Shadow said.

"C...Can we do it, before I'm to weak..." Sonic asked a his cheeks heating up, Shadow lets out a deep chuckles and picks up Sonic so that he was holding him bridal style, "I don't mind." He smiled as he carries Sonic to the master bedroom.

He places the azure male onto the bed, and presses his lips to Sonic's, who wraps his arms around his husband's neck, he lets out a soft moan feeling his husband's tongue exploring his mouth, licking the remain blood that was in his mouth.

"Ahh!!" Sonic groans feeling Shadow nibble on his neck, "Be easy..." the blue hedgehog pleaded.

"You know that I will~" Shadow purrs against Sonic's neck, as he pulls down Sonic's pants and rubbing the smaller male's cock, making the azure male moan out and arch his back, he covers his mouth to not wanting to wake his kids up from his moans.

It wasn't long before the azure male was a moaning mess, from his husband, making good work out of his body, Shadow not wanting to hurt Sonic was taking things slow, with his thrusting before speeding up.

"Ahh! Shadow!~" Sonic groans out, feeling his husband hitting his spot, which only make the dominant male smirk, and pushing himself deeper into the other repeatedly hit the spot.

"GAH!!" Sonic chokes out, climaxing onto his husband's stomach, he purrs feeling the rush of something warm filling up his insides.

"I'll never stop loving you~" Shadow said as he pulls the blue hedgehog into a small kiss.

"I'll wait for you...I promise~" Sonic said kissing Shadow back, he knew that Shadow couldn't die of old age, but if he died during a G.U.N mission without him and Maria watching over him, He'll wait for his husband. It wasn't long until Sonic fell asleep if exhaustion, Shadow pulls Sonic into his lap, cradling him, he was going to stay awake, for however long he can just in case Sonic needed anything.

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