'-'_꩜ 𝘋𝘢𝘺 𝘍𝘰𝘶𝘳 ꩜_'-'

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|Third Person POV|

Sonic rubs his eyes, he hadn't been able to get any sleep because of his coughing fits, and when he does it wasn't enough, he had some bags under his eyes, he got off of his bed, his legs started shaking and started to hurt underneath his weight he took a step before he fell over onto the floor, he just flatten his ears to his head, he can't be getting this weak now...he hadn't had the chance to say goodbye to Knuckles and Rouge. He places his hands down and tried to lift himself up off of the floor his arms started shaking he moves his leg to get himself up, he lets out a sigh of relief when he can get up.

He looks over to see that Shadow was still asleep, he takes his husband's phone before going the bathroom after grabbing another oversized sweater and pants, as well as some white socks, he turns on the light into the bathroom, closing the door. He checked some of the messages, as he got the water going, he smiles to himself seeing Knuckles cuddling with Shaundre on the couch, snoozing away. It brings a tears to his eyes knowing that he was leaving his ten year old and five year old behind, but he knows that they have an amazing father to take care of them. He sees a photo of Juliet being pissed off by Maria who was dirty and standing proud over the fight. He puts the photo down and started to get undressed.

The azure hedgehog turns the water off, he gets onto the tub and lets out a purr when the warm water hit his fur.

Shadow lets out a groan, from the bright sunlight shining in his face slowly gets himself up and looks over to see the spot next to him was empty, he gets out of bed grabbing his phone, heading out the bedroom, he sighs in relief when he saw that his husband was just making coffee.

"Morning Shadow..." Sonic smiled, as he rubs his eyes. The ebony hedgehog goings over to Sonic and gives his husband a soft kiss, not minding the blood, Sonic lets out a moan from the kiss, only to have Shadow pulls away a thick strain of saliva between the two, he takes the mug and coffee.

"I...I looked at your phone..." Sonic admits, "I still want to see Rouge and Knuckles..."

"Well I'm on call for G.U.N so whenever your ready I can take you" Shadow smiled, the blue hedgehog wraps his arms around Shadow nuzzling into his chest. Sonic's body felt a little cold to the ebony hedgehog, which made the male worry, the chaos energy is killing him quicker...but he didn't want think about it...not yet.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

"Control!" Shadow said, he always avoided using it...after he found out that the very energy was killing Sonic, but it was the only way to get to Angel Island without asking Tails to fly his plane there. He checks Sonic who was in his arms, the azure hedgehog was little shaken up by it but he was okay, Shadow put Sonic down the blue hedgehog stumbles his legs shaking underneath his weight, but he can stand properly after a while.

"Shadow!" Rouge said flying over to getting the ebony hedgehog a hug, "Hey Hun..." Rouge said seeing Sonic, she can tell that Sonic was looking worse each day that pass, but the azure male only smiles at her. It still broke her heart knowing that Sonic was only trying to make her feel better.

"Hey Blue!" Knuckles said holding a fist up, Sonic gives the echidna a fist bump.

"S-Shadow can I talk you in private..." Rouge said to the ebony hedgehog, who only gave her a confused look but nodded. "Knuckles...take Sonic the picnic, I'm sure Juliet would love to see her Uncle" Knuckles nodded and motions Sonic to follow him.

"What is it Rouge?" Shadow said.

"I just want to know how are you holding up...I know your taking him to see everyone, before that time comes...but how are you?" Rouge said to her friend.

Shadow didn't want to answer that question, he glanced over to see that Amy and Blaze were here on the island as well, the pink hedgehog looking as if she was about to ball her eyes out seeing Sonic in the state that he was...Blaze doing her best to not cry as well.

"I...cried myself to sleep last night...I hate to think that I'm going to lose him...this early in his life...I mean he's fucking twenty-two!!" Shadow shouted, as he just rubs his head. "He is already struggling with standing...and I know he wants to spend his last moments with me...Maria already know he's dying...and Shadic is to young"

Rouge lets out a soft sigh, "I just want you to take him home when he's done...and if you need me...just call me, and Blaze offer to take care of your missions" The bat looks over and smiles at how the kids were playing and Sonic clapping at the fire trick Ember did with her hands.

"Thanks..." Shadow said, "This means a lot to me..."

The two the male their way back to the group where the picnic was being held, it was rather a wholesome sight, Shadow and Knuckles having a little fight with each other like old times, both Sonic and Rouge tease Knuckles for his idiotic actions. Amy teasingly being her old self with Sonic, making the blue hedgehog laugh and push her over, Blaze giving Sonic a heartwarming moment about the time they first met.

"S-Sonic...I know I've been annoying...but, I have to thank you, for saving my life back then..." Amy said as she sniffs and forces a gentle hug on the hero tears in her eyes. "B-But I'm glad that your...still my friend..." Sonic smiles and hugs her back, "I'm glad that you moved on...from me Ames...you were always like a sister to me..."

"Sonic..." The Flame Princess started as she wipes away her tears, "Thanks for helping with saving my dimensions..." The cat said.

"Sonic...I know that we fought...but you always ticked me off...but I'm glad to call you my friend at least" Knuckles said give Sonic a small pat on the back.

Both Juliet and Ember hug Sonic, "We will remember you Uncle Sonic..." the two females sobbed.

Sonic smiles and hugs them back, Rouge was last and she's pulls Sonic into a hug tears in her eyes, "Sonic...I know I've been that tip of person...that doesn't cry...but you mean a lot to me." She sniffs "And I removed my make up so I can cry...but you will always be a little annoying brother I've ever had..."

Sonic hugs Rouge back.

Sonic said his final goodbyes and hugs to his own kids, Maria wasn't taking it well, after all she didn't want to lose her mother figure, but she nodded as she promised that she would keep Shaundre safe. And with that Shadow took Sonic's hand and they Chaos Controlled back home.

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