'-'_꩜ 𝘋𝘢𝘺 𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 ꩜_'-'

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|Third Person POV|

Sonic was trying his best to stay awake...but his body was failing on him, "J-Just five m-more minutes p-please..." he pleaded, the beeping on the heart monitor, he didn't have Shadow with him, cause G.U.N called him into a mission, "J-Just a little longer...please..." the door to the room opened and a teary eyed Rouge walked in she takes a hold of Sonic's hand.


"He's not going to make it...in time" Rouge sniffs, Sonic blinks before his ears flatten to his head, he didn't want to go sleep now...not when he couldn't see his husband one last time...that all he wanted is to see Shadow's face one last time before he past on.

It was an hour and Rouge stayed with Sonic...or at least she tried to, but the Doctors, seeing that Sonic was determined to stay alive long enough to see his husband...only made the doctor make a choice that he never thought he would, he had the nurses pull Rouge out of the room.

"N-no...Please...J-just a little l-longer!!" Sonic pleaded seeing the needle with the drug that is used to put someone down. "I'm sorry Mr. Hedgehog...but we can't let you suffer any longer..." the Doctor said.

"Y-You can't!" Rouge sobbed out, "J-Just wait...his husband w-will be here" She said through her sobs.

The Doctor just shakes his head, Sonic lets out a whimper when the needle was forced into his arm, and the drug was injected into his system, he was fighting as he had tears in his own eyes, it wasn't long before everything that he went through with his life started to flash before his eyes...his body was going limp, he couldn't move his body anymore the last image that he saw was on his wedding day with Shadow...

"S-Shadow...I...I...I...I love you...so much"

Shadow showed up to the hospital just minutes later, after the injection was given to Sonic, he saw Rouge sobbing her heart out in the waiting room, Shadow felt tears forming in his eyes, he was late, he ignored security and bolted into the back of the room, he just followed the sound of the beeping, security was right behind him. He found the room but the do was locked, Sonic was laying in the bed his eyes had glazed over, Shadow banged on the window. Tears streaming down from his cheeks. The azure hedgehog took his last breath and the single beeping sound in the room.

"SONIC!!!" Shadow cried out, Security finally catch up to the Ebony hedgehog and started to drag him away from the hallway, Shadow struggled against the security, but it wasn't enough. The last thing he saw was the blue hedgehog laying peacefully on the hospital bed, a small smile on his muzzle.

"S-Shadow...I'm s-sor-" Rouge started before the ebony hedgehog forced a hug onto the bat, sobbing into her, the bat sniffs and wraps her arms around the other sobbing with him.

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