'-'_꩜ 𝘋𝘢𝘺 𝘚𝘪𝘹 ꩜_'-'

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|Third Person POV|

Shadow was sitting by Sonic's hospital bed, the soft sound of the heart monitor beeping, Sonic didn't look good, his fur was paler than normal as well as his muzzle. He had bags underneath his eyes from not sleep, he feared that if he slept he wouldn't wake up anymore...his body was freezing at this point, he just held onto Shadow's hand, with a weak smile on his muzzle.

Shadow just runs his hand through Sonic's quills, as he was doing his best not to cry, Sonic had an IV going into his hand, the Doctors and Nurses are doing their best to keep Sonic alive to the best that they can...but they know it's only a matter of time before his body just shuts down, it was a nice snowing day outside of the hospital Shadow as the blinds open so that Sonic can see the snow.

Sonic weakly laughs, "What's so funny?" Shadow asked.

"I just remembered Maria's and Shadic's first snow day..." Sonic smiled.


Maria was wearing a fluffy coat over her light blue shirt, with baggy jeans, she was pulling on Shadow's hands his tail wagging.

"Hold on Maria...we have to weight on your Mom, and brother" Shadow said.

Sonic chuckles as he was wearing a red scarf, and holding Shaundre, who was wearing a black scarf with a fluffy coat. "Dada!" Shadic purred, Shadow scratches underneath Shadic's chin, and gives Sonic a small kiss on the lips. "Still Looking stunning as always"

"Thanks Shadow, But come on, I don't know want Maria ripping your arms off" Sonic snickers and opens the door to the house, the blue hedgehog was first to outside into the snow, Maria forcing Shadow outside with her telekinesis. Her eyes sparkle at all the snow "It's so beautiful...Mommy and Daddy"

"Hey don't go far Maria!" Sonic called out as a light purple blur ran outside and threw the fluff of the snow.

Shadow picks himself up and brushes the snow off of his coat, he just smiles and shakes his head.

The day for the hedgehog family was having a good snow day, with Shadow and Maria building a snowhog and Sonic holding the baby, Shadic was a little too young to do things on his own, but he was enjoying himself.

The moment didn't end well before Maria and Sonic had a snowball fight, in the end, the two ending up getting sick and sitting by the fire holding hot chocolate, Shadow in the kitchen shaking his head with Shadic mimicking his motions. But he smiles.

"I told you not to start a snow ball fight" Shadow said to Sonic.

"Technically she started it..." Sonic sniffs, Maria shakes her head "Nuh uh...Mommy throwing the first ball!" She said.

Shadow just chuckles, "I can't believe I babysitting two kids..."

"Shut up you love me!" Sonic growled Shadow nuzzles him with a chuckle, "I love your childish behavior..."

"Hmph..." Sonic pouted, Maria shakes her head before she sneezes "Just kiss already" she said.

/End of Memory/

"You were more childish than our own Daughter" Shadow chuckles, as he just pushes himself closer to Sonic's bedside. The blue hedgehog just weakly chuckles before his ears pinned to his head. "Shadow..."


"I-I want to go somewhere..." Sonic said, Shadow looks at his husband he lets out a soft sigh, he was going to have to bring him back before the hospital staff knows that he was missing, he takes the IV out of Sonic's hand and turns the heart monitor off to remove it from Sonic's body, he scoops up the azure hedgehog into his arms, the blue hedgehog's legs dangling over Shadow's arms. The ebony hedgehog, chaos controlled, before reappearing onto of a hill that was looking out to Mobius, it was a plain hill with nothing on it besides grass he sets Sonic down before siting down next to him.

Sonic looks amazing by all the lights that were out in the cities of mobius. "S-Shadow...it's a-amazing" Sonic smiled, he takes his husband's hand and leans into the ebony hedgehog, Shadow smiled at his husband, he wipes away the remaining tears he had in his eyes. He did plan on burying Sonic here with a beautiful tree.

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