'-'_꩜𝘋𝘢𝘺 𝘛𝘸𝘰 ꩜_'-'

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|Third Person POV|

Sonic knocked on the door to Rouge's house, the white bat who was grumpy at her husband for leaving the kitchen a mess after this morning, she only hissed at the echidna before opening the door, and her ears flatten to her head at the sight of Sonic, with Maria and Shaundre. "H-Hey Hun...How are you doing?"

"I'm good, I just wanted to know if you could watch Maria and Shadic for me, I'm going to spend time with my family today" The azure hedgehog explained, Rouge looks away, but she nodded, as this is what Sonic would wanted, taking the time to spend with everyone that he could...it's just that the azure hedgehog looked tired, but still healthy enough to move. "Sure hun...just be sure to give Shadow a call, if you don't feel so great" Rouge said as she takes Shaundre from Sonic, who only purrs "Auntie! Auntie~" he cooed, he like Rouge out of the other Aunties, only because she spoils him more than Maria.

"You two be good, for Uncle Knux and Auntie Rouge" Sonic said.

"Okay Mommy!" Maria smiled, Sonic ruffs Maria's quills and Shaundre's, before stepping off of the porch and waving Rouge goodbye, before walking away.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

Sonic had to take a lot breaks on his walk, without running to his locations, he came to realize how far he actually lives from the castle, but he was determined, and he could always just take a nap at the castle, he just waves at the people that know him, as well as the media that know of the condition that the hero was growing through, but as paranoid as Humans and Mobians can be, they just kept their distance in thinking that Sonic just had an incurable virus.

He steps up the guards who lets him into the castle, he took was last look at the golden statue that was in the plaza, of him holding a chaos emerald, in his hand. He steps inside the castle after the guards closed the door.

"Sonni Boy" Charles said ruffling Sonic's quills, the azure male smiles and chuckles. "Hey Uncle Chuck..." he said.

"Are you alright Sonni...You look like your about to past out" Charles asked his nephew.

"I'm fine...I just walked alway here..." Sonic admits, sometimes he wishes that he could have just asked Shadow to take him...but he wasn't weak just yet he can still do things without help.

"It's that my son's voice I hear" A purple hedgehog called out opening the doors to the throne room, this was the Queen of Mobius, Aleena Hedgehog, and Sonic's mother.

Sonic smiled at his Mom, he felt bad that he didn't spend time with his family first...after he was discharged from the hospital, but he'd wanted to make sure his kids were happy before he passes, since on that day he'd rather have Shadow by his side.

Aleena goes over to hug her son, a few tears in her eyes, it was heartbreaking for any mother to hear that their own kid was slowly dying of an unknown disease that was caused by the very same gems that is used to keep a planet safe, but she always trusted her son-in-law for taking care of her son over the years. "I'm so proud of you Maurice..." Aleena admits as she wipes the tears away from her eyes.

"Sonic!!" Manic called out, he was about to run and hug his brother when Aleena held her hand out to stop him. Sonic chuckles and hugs Manic himself, "Missed you too Bro" Sonic said.

Manic wraps his arms around Sonic, he didn't want to think this was going to be his last hug from his brother, but it doesn't mean that he wouldn't forget about him.

"Don't hog the hugs Manic!" Sonia growled, walking over, and shoving the green prince to the side to take the hug him herself.

"Ugh...You didn't have to shove me!!" Manic hissed.

"Come on guys...their No need to fight" Sonic admits, as he looked like he was struggling not to cough, the last thing he wanted was to make his family worry...though that long walk he did...wore him out.

"Right right...Sonic came here to meet all of us" Sonia said.

"Speaking of...Where is Shadow?" Aleena asked.

"Commander Towe, called him for a Mission...b-but he is on call with me though...so I'm need him he'll be there" Sonic explain, he was about to say something else before he lungs started to hurt and he started to cough violently, Aleena being the first to comfort the dying hedgehog.

"Ssh...you don't need to hide your struggles from us...Sonic, we are here for you" Aleena said, Sonic who was busy coughing to acknowledge that his mother called him by his actual name inside of his birth name.

Sonic's coughing fit soon subsided and he wipes the blood away from his mouth, as he looks at his family. "I'm o-okay..." Sonic said.

"Sonic...are you okay?" Sonia asked, looking at her brother, the blue hedgehog, was very pale in his face. He shakes his head, but before he could say anything he just blacked out in his mother's arms, in a small panic, the Queen told Sonia to call Shadow, and had the guards take Sonic to medical wing in the castle.

Sonic let out a weak whimper before his eyes fluttered open, he was laying on a hospital bed, in the castle medical center. The only thing he remembered was coughing then...he blinks he faint on his family. "Sonic?..." The azure hedgehog turned to look at his husband, and his ears flatten.

"It's okay Sonic...your family forgives" Shadow tells him. Sonic only nodded, he didn't think this was going be difficult.

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