'-'_꩜ 𝘋𝘢𝘺 𝘛𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦 ꩜_'-'

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|Third Person POV|

The blue hedgehog was laughing and smiling at his best friend Tails, this morning he got to have a little time with his family, and got to cut the ribon of the new statue that was going be in the center of the plaza in his capital of mobius, the silver statue was of him and Shadow in a loving embrace, since the two were the first Mobains to have a gay marriage in Mobius.

"Sonic...I am planning on turning your old house into a museum..." Tails tells Sonic, the blue hedgehog smiled and he just nodded. "That be a great Idea!!" Sonic said before he calms down so he didn't cough.

"I thought so" Cream said with a soft giggle bring out freshly cooked cookies placing it on the table.

"Speaking of which...How is your Mom's Bakery Cream?" Sonic asked.

"It's good Mr. Sonic, she also wanted me to tell you, that this winter she is selling special cupcakes and cookies." Cream said as she pulls out her phone and shows the azure hedgehog photos of Sonic and Shadow theme cookies and cupcakes. "Wow...I can say that I'm impressed..."

Sonic smiled, he takes a sip of his hot chocolate, he had change his clothes after all he didn't want to make it seem like that he was homeless, after all he was wearing an expressive ring.

"I'll...have Shadow bring over some of the stuff...from our current house." Sonic tells Tails, who just nodded, he ears flatten to his head. "Sonic...I don't want to get sappy...but I'm glad I ran into that day, without you I wouldn't be where I am today...and not a Scientist...or engineer but a hero like you" he smiled as he wipes away the tears in his eyes, "but I will be sure that your legacy lives on..."

Sonic smiled back, "I'm just concerned about Eggman...I know that old fart is still out there...along with Infinite, but I know that Metal would be completely useless..."

"He'll make a good addition to the museum" Tails laughed.

Sonic joins in to only end up coughing afterwards, he's gotten a little better with controller his coughs, he really missed running and flying on the tornado with Tails, but in his condition it was to risky...and he didn't want to expire early. He drinks his hot chocolate.

"Talk to Knuckles?" Tails asked.

"Not yet...I spent time with my Family, then you...I know I'm going to have talk to Amy and Blaze...so she doesn't hurt Shadow..." Sonic admits as he looks down at his empty mug.

"Well, when you do...I know Knuckles like me care about you" Tails explained.

"Thanks Tails...and I know he does" Sonic lets out a chuckle. The blue hedgehog stood up, Tails following suit Cream had some tears in her eyes as she hugs Sonic. "I'll never forget you Mr. Sonic...you did so much for me and my Mom..." she sobbed. Sonic hugs Cream back he gives a weak smile to the Rabbit, "It was nice seeing you...grow up...into a wonderful lady Cream" the two parted and Sonic hugged his best friend, who was already crying at this point. "T-Thank you...Sonic...for being both my friend and older brother..."

Shadow pulls up the house, in his motorcycle, the hedgehog couple of course don't use the motorcycle when they are taking their kids out, but with them being watched...Shadow only takes his motorcycle to work and back. Sonic waves the to bye but he gives Skylar a hug "Take care of your parents for me...Okay"

"I'll miss you...Uncle Sonic..." The young Fox sobbed, Sonic just gave her a small kiss on the forehead, before getting on the motorcycle, with Shadow. The ebony hedgehog waves the couple bye before taking off.

The drive was relaxing, the night sky and stars was always something of a beauty, Shadow took this chance to take Sonic somewhere different for the night before taking him home.

When the motorcycle came to a stop, Shadow got off of first and helped his husband off of the bike. "I thought bring you to the spot of our first date..."

Sonic blinks it was a field, of open grass, it was of course the middle of winter, but in the freezing cold of the place with the tree and frozen ice crystals hanging of the branches making the tree sparkle in the moon light, and the field cover in snow. "S-Shadow...it's beautiful!"

"I know it's not spring...but I thought I st-" Sonic jumps to hug his husband, he had a smile on his muzzle. "I love you to much..." he said

Shadow wraps his arms around Sonic holding him close, he just gives the blue hedgehog a kiss on the forehead.

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