'-'_꩜ 𝘋𝘢𝘺 𝘍𝘪𝘷𝘦 ꩜_'-'

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|Third Person POV|

Sonic was standing or at least he was trying to stand before his legs just give out on him making him fall to his face on the floor, the blue hedgehog didn't look better, he was blue coat was gray in color, his muzzle getting paler along with his arms and underbelly. He tries to lift himself up with his arms for only they to give out on him, under his weight, the blue hedgehog just lets out a whimper...he wanted to still be able to move, but he body was to weak, he started to softly sob to himself.

"Sonic?..." Shadow called out eating his husband sobbing.

"S-Shadow...." Sonic choked out, Shadow goes over to Sonic and helps him to sit up. "What happened?"

"M-My...legs...I" Sonic said started before he just broke down in tears "I...I...can't move them..." Sonic choked out, Shadow pinned his ears down and moved Sonic to his lap, he feels the azure males legs, Sonic sniffs, he can still his legs, he just couldn't move them anymore, he nuzzles into his husband's chest fur. "Y-your warm..." Sonic admits

Shadow just holds Sonic close to his body, he could feel that Sonic's body heat slowly leaving his body, Shadow kept his ears pinned to his head as he felt tears forming his in corner of his eyes. He just wanted a little more time with Sonic.

"Shadow?..." Sonic mutters, he didn't fall asleep but he felt the tears falling onto his face, he reaches his arm out to touch Shadow's muzzle, he ran his thumb over Shadow's cheek.

"Just...please...stay with me a little longer..." Shadow pleaded as he sniffs, Sonic pinned his ears down, he had seen Shadow cry before, whether it be with joy like when Maria and Shaundre were born, or of pure sadness...like when he was thinking about his lost friend. The azure male just takes Shadow's hand, to keep his promise he'll do his best with staying awake. "I love you Shadow...no matter what happens...I'll be with you" he said. Shadow only squeezes Sonic's hand, giving it a soft kissed. He picks himself off of the floor holding Sonic in his arms he lays the blue hedgehog on the bed, covering him up in the thick warm blanket, he closes the window. He lays down next to Sonic, taking his hand back.

"S-Shadow..." Sonic asked.

"Y-Yes...My Love..." Shadow asked.

"Promise me...that you'll keep our kids safe..." Sonic whimpers tears in the corner of his own eyes.

"I promise...Sonic" Shadow smiled as he just hugs him, he nuzzles into his husband's chilly body, Sonic nuzzles back, he didn't let go, he was glad that he gave the locket to Shadow on their anniversary, they been married for twenty-five years, and now it was going to come to end, all because of the unlimited energy, and as much as Shadow would want to keep Sonic alive...it's not worth watching his lover suffer. Even though he is.

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