Chapter 13

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*Lauren POV*

Didn't I just tell Amber to behave ? I swear if it ain't one thing it's another, but I can't be mad because that was kind of funny and if she wouldn't have done it I probably would have.

Everyone in the hallway looked shocked and the most busted out laughing at the way Casey was holding her nose. Blood started gushing out of her nose. I looked at Amber and the look in her eyes looked like she wanted to hit Casey again. Before I knew what was going on Amber launched on top of Casey and started hitting her repeatedly then Lucas grabbed Amber and carried her down the hallway out the building. I ran after them into the parking lot.

"Lucas put her down. She did with good reason." I say yelling at my brother

"Lucas put me down or so help God you will be the next person holding their nose. "Amber said with eyes looking like a deer in headlights.

And once she said that Lucas had put her down, but what she did next was unexpected. She looked at Lucas with tears in her eyes and then she slapped him. I didn't say anything to her because I knew it was emotions behind that slap. I knew what she was feeling.  I looked at my brother and could tell that he geniuely felt bad.

"Amber let's go. I'll take you home. I think you have had enough school for one day." I say to her grabbing her hand

"Umm no I got it. I think you should go home with your brother. Y'all got some things to discuss. " Nathan says nodding his head at Amber then his truck.

Amber looked at me and I nodded at her telling her it was okay.  I walked to Lucas truck knowing that we was probably about to have another argument. I got in the truck and just stared out the window waiting for Lucas to start the conversation. It was getting a little too quiet, I looked over at Lucas and seen that his eyes was watery.   

"Are you crying ?"

"What ? No !" Lucas says whipping his eyes

"You must really like her to be crying over her."

"I know Amber and I haven't been talking that long. But I have always liked her, I just never said nothing because that was your best friend. Even when I was away I used to always think about her. "

"Did you have sex with Casey ? "

"I honestly don't remember anything from that night, but I know I would never do anything like that. It took me so long to get her, you really think I would do something to jeopardize it. "

"Well tell Amber that. Sit down and tell her how you really feel. "

"She don't even like the sight of my face right now. She slammed the door in my face."

"Well if I get her to come over, then you need to tell her exactly how you feel. No holding back."

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