Chapter 9

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The word had got all around school that i was throwing a party this weekend, now all i had to do was tell my parents. Now i know what you're thinking, why would i tell my parents ? But i tell my parents everything, plus they're pretty cool. SOMETIMES!

I walk into my house in search of my mom and dad. I walk into my parents office to see them both doing work.

"Hey Mom, Dad. Can i talk to you guys for a second ?"

"Sure honey what is it ?"My mom says without taking her eyes from her work.

"Can i have a party ?"

As soon as i say that both my parents look up from their computer screens

"You want to have a party ?" My dad said looking between me and my mom

"Of course you can have a party ?" My mom says breaking out in a scream

"Seriously ?" I say with a shocked look on my face

"Of course you can. Me and your dad was just talking about how we felt like you were missing out on regular teenage things. We want you to experience your young days and enjoy it."

"And to make it even better we will be going out of town this weekend." My dad says finishing my mom sentence.

"Thanks, you guys are the best parents ever." I say

I bolt off to my room to text everyone and tell them that the party is definately happening. This party is going to be EPIC ! The first person i text is Connor to tell him about my good news. Then i text Amber about the party and a whole buch of other people. I even texted Nathan.


So it's friday and my parents are about to leave to go on a mariagge retreat.

"Now sweetie i need to tell you something."

"Mom, i know what to do and what not to do." I say trying to shove both my parents out the door.

"No, its not that. I just want you to know that we love you and trust you." My dad says scratching the back of his head

"What did y'all do ?"

"We just invited someone to the party to keep an eye on you." My parents say with a smile.

"Who ?"

"Your brother insisted coming to your fist party and we know that you haven't seen him in quit some time. He thought you could use his help."

My brother ? My Twin Brother ?? Oh my gosh im so excited. I haven't seen him since my parents shipped him off to boarding school for crashing there car and almost setting the house on fire. I miss him so much.

"When will he be here ? " I say with excitement.

"Tomorrow night before your party. Please keep an eye on him."

"Wait, is he coming home for good ?"

" Yes now I'm trusting you to have a party and keep an eye on your brother. Please don't burn down the house."

"I wont and i Love you. Have a nice trip." I say shutting the door

This literally is going to be the most epic party ever .


So my party starts in one hour and im still not ready. And my brother still isn't here. Amber came over earlier this morning to help me set up and find something to wear. No one knows my brother is coming but me, and im like freaking out. All i need to do right now is finish my make up and finish flat ironing my hair.

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