Chapter 27

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*Nathan's POV*

Once we seen that Lauren was out of hearing distance her brother Lucas and I finished our conversation.

"Dude.. you need to tell her !" Lucas said

"Hold on ! Why should I tell her ? She's your sister and I wouldn't have known if you wouldn't have told me and drug me into this. "

"Exactly she's my sister.. She's hated me since birth so it would be better if someone she loves tell her and breaks it to her gently." Lucas said trying to lighten up the mood.

"Are you nuts ? Lauren and I just got back on good terms! Why can't you or your dad tell her ?" I say quietly yelling at him.

"Because 1. my dad is stressed out already. 2. he hate giving his favorite child bad news and 3. he knows how she is going to react."

"That doesn't explain why you don't tell her"

"Fine ! I'll tell her but you have to be present when I do. "

"Fine.." I said rolling my eyes. I always got drugged into something.

After thinking about everything I realized that I was doomed since the minute he told me. Lauren is going to be mad that her family told me before her, she's going to be mad that we waited to tell her and she's going to be mad at the whole situation. So either way It goes I'm going to get the bad end of the stick here. Why did Lucas have to tell me ? It's not like I asked to know this information, he just came out with it and told me. If I didn't know then I probably would've been better off.

Lucas and I decided to tell her tomorrow after football practice when hopefully all her other family members are home for support. Austin already knows, everyone in their family knows except for Lauren.

*Lauren POV*

I already booked the cater for Austin's dinner on Sunday. He knows about the dinner, he thinks that's the only party he's having but he will be in for a surprise on Saturday.  Ashley asked Austin on a date for Saturday and he obviously said yes. It's funny how it took me asking her to help with this surprise party for her to ask him on a date.

After getting off the phone with the cater company I went and took a shower and got ready for bed because I still had school in the morning unfortunately.

I woke up to the sound of my alarming going off and I slammed it on the floor. I'm not really a morning person if you couldn't guess. I looked at my door and saw my brother standing there laughing while brushing his teeth. He knew I hated getting up this early.

I went and did my morning routine and got ready for school. Even though I wasn't a morning person doesn't mean that I was going to go to school looking like a bum. I always dressed to impress for school. My dad always told me first impressions are everything and you never know when you're going to meet somebody new.

I walked in the building and went straight to my locker and then felt someone standing beside me. I didn't even have to look up from my locker to know who it was.

"Hey Amber" I said with a smirk on my face

"That's weird and creepy.. How did you know it was me ? Do you have eyes in the back of your head ?"

"A true artist never reveals her secret." I say laughing

"That doesn't even make any sense " She said standing there looking lost

"Coming over after school ?"

"Is your brother going to be there ?" She asked worriedly

"No he has football practice." I say closing my locker

"Well yes I will come."

And after that I was off to class.

The day went by pretty fast and next thing you know I was in my car on my way home.  Amber texted me and said she had to run by her house first and check on her dog and then she would be right over. I walked in the pantry and started looking for me something to snack on.

I heard the front door open and knew it was Amber because I locked it and she has a key. I grabbed some snacks for her too and we went up to my room to talk and we watch movies. We talked to each other like we haven't seen each other in months. And that's when I heard someone call my name.

I walked down the stairs to see my dad, Lucas, Nathan and Austin all standing around in the living room. I saw Lucas look at Amber and shift uncomfortably.

"Lauren she needs to leave. " Lucas said to me while looking at his feet

"No. Look I know that you two are going through a rough patch right now but she's still my friend so she's staying."

"It's not about that. I don't care if she hangs around here. We need to have a family meeting and she needs to leave."

"Well why is Nathan here ?" I asked curious. Don't get me wrong I love my boyfriend but if it was just family then why was he here

"Because this involves him too. Now your brother is right, Sorry Amber but you need to leave. She'll call you later." My dad said while walking Amber to the door.

"Well what's the big issue ?" I say crossing my arms and sitting down on the couch.

Once I said that everyone looked like they had got sick. My dad and Lucas looked at Nathan, and Nathan and Austin looked at Lucas.

"Don't look at me, you agreed that you would tell her." Nathan said while looking at Lucas

"Dad, Austin, One of you guys want to tell her ?" Lucas said looking at them

"Tell me what ?" I said growing impatient with my family

"Nope." My dad and Austin said at the same time


"Fine I will. Lucas you need to grow a pair." Nathan said while walking over to me.

He sat down beside me and grabbed my hands and put them in his. This must be bad.


"Nathan you're scaring me, just tell me. " I said looking at him worried

He took a deep breath and that's when he finally said it.

"Your mom is pregnant.."



What do you guys think of this chapter ? Comment and let me know because I love reading you guys comments and reactions. Also please vote.

I won't try to keep you waiting to long on the update

~XOXO, CrazyKayla

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