Chapter 36

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*Nathan's POV*

It hurted me to see her crying and it hurted me even more to leave her but maybe it was for the best. Maybe it was for the best for the both of us to go into college single. Even though we are going to be sharing an apartment with each other. 

I went home and started watching TV when i heard someone walking in. I looked up to see Dylan and Corey figures it would be them since they never knock. 

"Hey what's up y'all ?"

"Man i was just telling Corey that we should all hang out since everyone is literally going to be leaving after graduation. " Dylan said

"Well what do you have in mind ?" I say curious

"How about since we are all leaving like a day after graduation we all have like a big graduation bash the night of graduation. "

"Sure I'm down. We just can't have it here."

"Man why not ? You're house is the perfect spot." Dylan said trying to convince me

"Um because 1. The last time we had a party here all hell broke loose. 2. My mom would kill me and 3. We should have it at Corey house because his is bigger. "

"True " Dylan said grinning like a  mad genius at Corey

"Or i got a better idea. Let's have it at Lauren and Lucas house. Their house is bigger and i am pretty sure they dad would be okay with it." Corey said looking at Dylan and I

"Heck yeah. Since she is your girlfriend why don;t you ask her "

"Just one problem Dylan " I say flipping through channels on the tv

"What's that ?" Dylan and Corey said at the same time

"She's not my girlfriend anymore."

"Since when ?" They both said at the same time

"Would you guys stop that, it's creepy. And we broke up like a couple of hours ago. "

"Why did y'all break up ?" Dylan asked 

"What is this 21 questions ?" 

"Yes it is now answer the question." Corey said

"It was her decision." I said nonchalantly 

"It was her decision ?"


"What exactly did she say " Dylan said

"She said she think we should break up."

"And you didn't object to it ? You didn't fight for her ?" Corey said looking at me crazy


"You are a idiot." Dylan said face palming his self

"How " I said curious

"Did you ever think that maybe she didn't want to actually break up with you that maybe she just wanted you to fight for her ?"

"That doesn't even make sense."

"It's girl logic everyone knows that."

"Well I didn't." 

"Obviously. Well look I will ask her tomorrow at school about the party, meanwhile you need to figure out what you're going to do. " Dylan said

After Dylan and Corey left I started thinking. Maybe they was right, maybe she didn't want to break up with me for real and I just couldn't see it because I was acting like a dick. I should apologize but I don't even know if she will accept it because of how stupid I was acting.

I woke up the next morning and went to school. When I walked in I seen Dylan and Corey talking to Lauren at her locker. I decided to walk up to them to join the conversation. When I walked up they was all laughing.

"So I guess you said yeah to having the party at your house ?" 

"Yeah, my dad will be okay with it plus I think it will be a great idea for everyone to have one last hoorah before we all leave to go on different journeys." Lauren said.

"Well that's great now we just got to get the word around. " I said

"Oh leave that to me." Corey said smirking



I busted out laughing at the fact that Corey literally yelled that to everyone in the hallway but hey what better way to spread the word. 

"Now that all my hard work is done, I have class to get to." Corey said walking off to class with Dylan right beside him.

It was awkward at first with Lauren and I just standing there but then she started talking.

"Hey I have great news ?" She said really excited

"What's up ?"

"I made an A on my World Societies exam. "

"Congratulations. I know you worked really hard on it."

"Thank you."

"Um Lauren there was something that I really wanted to talk to you about. "

"Yeah me too. Look I thought about what you said yesterday and I realized that you was right and I have decided to give you the space that you need until you work things out. But it's not going to be difficult with us living together. I'm still your friend and if you ever need anything you know I am here for you. "

"No, Lauren that's not what...."

Then the bell went off signaling that we were late for class.

"I got to go see you at graduation tomorrow." Lauren said walking off

I just stood there in shock at how left that conversation just went. I guess I can try to talk to her again about this tomorrow night at the party. Hopefully she will listen then.


Hello my lovely readers. I know this chapter may be short but I hope you like it. There is only two chapters left but I will be making a sequel. So don't forget to like this chapter and I love reading y'all comments. So comment and let me know what you think 


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