Chapter One: Hollow Mind

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Hello! This is my very first story on Wattpad, hope you enjoy! 

I'm going to try and put trigger warnings at the start of chapters so please let me know if I miss any! 

⚠️ TW: Abuse 


Hunter looked on shocked as Luz who was just standing right in front of him had vanished along with Flapjack. He looked at the ground and recognised the outline of a mind scape spell. Oh no, oh no he thought that meant Flapjack and Luz where in Emperor Belos' mind. He was going to be in so much trouble for letting this happen and what if Belos sees Flapjack in there. 

His mind raced with thoughts before he was brought crashing back to reality when the Owl Lady and King tackled him to the ground and started shouting. 'Where is Luz!' 'What did you do to her!' But they never waited for an answer before yelling another question or insult. 'Stop shouting! I didn't do anything to Luz but she's got my palisman trapped in the Emperor's mind!' Hunter yelled at them. Everyone was silent for a second before the Owl Lady asked King 'Do you have that human communicator?' 'Yes. Oh! We can talk to Luz!' 

'Hello Luz?' King asked the walkie-talkie 'Hi! King omg I'm in the Emperor's mind and there was inner Belos and I'm with this kid Belos and we saw fake memories but got to the real ones and some red bird palisman is here an-' Luz said panting but Hunter interrupted 'Flapjack are you there?! Are you safe!?' And he heard a small chirping in reply.

Eda talked to Luz and everyone including Hunter went to the Owl House to work on freeing them from the Emperor's mind. Hunter felt a little awkward being there and he could tell no one there trusted him but he could not leave Flapjack. Ok as soon as Flapjack is back out, I grab him and run back home. 'Everyone I'm ready to get them out!' the Owl Lady said. But when they tried to tell Luz there was no response, just fighting in the background but Eda had to cast the spell she had to save Luz. 'In three, two, one!' She yelled and then Luz and Flapjack appeared before for them. Quickly Hunter grabbed Flapjack and ran before anyone had time to speak.


Hunter was laying on his bed in his small room in the Emperor's castle, while the setting sun was the only light in the room. Hunter felt like his head was going to explode. Flapjack had told him everything he saw in Belos' mind and that he was evil and tricking everyone, how he's really a human and Hunter is a grimwalker. A clone of someone else. What does this mean? What do I do? Should I talk to Belos, surely he can straighten this out? But wait! He's evil right? No, no, no he can't be. But what Flapjack said must be true. So what does this mean for me? Do I continue on like nothings happened? Belos doesn't know that I know. But do I want to support Belos if he's really evil? Should I escape? No, Belos will be so mad and I know what happens then... 

'Hello? Golden Guard, the Emperor has requested to see you.' A scout said through the door. 'Thank you! I'll be on my way.' Hunter said back. Oh no, does he know? He can't. It's probably just he's need for a mission. I don't want to go. I have to or he's gonna be mad.

Hunter was terrified of his uncle. He didn't understand it at the time but Emperor Belos abused him. Hunter slowly got out of his room and started slowly walking towards Belos' throne room but as he turned a corner his uncle stood in front of him. 'Oh, hello Emperor Belos,' Hunter said nervously with a bow 'I was just coming to see you, sir.' 'Well I do have a really important matter do discuss.' Belos said in a icy voice. Suddenly Belos grabbed Hunter, reached into his cloak and grabbed Flapjack from his hiding place. 'I noticed you weren't using you staff I made for you. And then I found out you are using WILD MAGIC! Remember that it killed our entire family! And I have kept you safe from it and you repay me by getting a secret  palisman!' Belos bellowed as Hunter shook before him. Belos set Flapjack in Hunters hand and started to walk away 'Follow me Hunter and bring you little friend.' Hunter knew what was coming and solemnly walked behind Belos to the empty throne room. But before they got there he told Flapjack 'Get out of here, I'll find you soon.' 

Emperor Belos and Hunter entered the throne room and Belos closed the doors behind them. 'Hunter, I want you to remember I don't tolerate disobedience and I'm going to punish you but it's for your own good. I'm here to keep you safe.' But Hunter didn't believe him so blindly anymore and questioned is this really what's best for me? 'Where did the palisman go?' Belos asked but he knew the answer when he saw Hunters face. 'No matter I'll deal with him later.' And with that Belos morphed into his giant gooey form.

Hunter wanted to run, to fight back but he knew it would only make things worse. One of Belos arms suddenly smashed into the sides of Hunters face and his eyes watered in pain. Another blow hit his legs and he crashed to the ground with a harsh thud. Blow after blow came down on Hunter as he yelled and weakly tried to block his face with his hands. 

When Belos was finished he turned back to his human form and looked down at Hunter. He had several cuts and bruises, several larger gashes, his left ring finger was bent in the wrong direction, he was bleeding and shaking on the floor. 'Now Hunter, I know this seems harsh but it's for the best. To protect you.' Belos said in an almost pitying voice. I don't feel protected, Hunter thought rebelliously. The Emperor left the room with Hunter still quivering on the ground but slowly he managed to crawl into a hunched over stand and limped his way back to his room where he was greeted by Flapjack.

Hunter could only see the blurry red shape of Flapjack and felt light headed. It was getting harder to stand. This was probably Hunters worst punishment yet. 'F-flapjack? Take, take us away f-from here, please.' Hunter said before he blacked out and began to fall towards the ground.

During the flight, Hunter  woke up several time to see he was laying on Flapjack as he flew. And he woke up for a second when they landed, leaving Hunter laying on the ground in front of a familiar house. He heard shouts from a girl who answered the door and Flapjack hopping on him frantically. 

'The Golden Gaurd!?' Luz shouted stunned.


Thanks for reading chapter 1!

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