Chapter Seven: Identity Crisis

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Identity crisis related panic attack in 3... 2... 1...

⚠️ TW: Panic Attack 


Hunter's breath became quicker and shakier as he sat there head spiralling in to negative thoughts. The room around him become fuzzy and he felt light headed. His stomach felt like it was trying to eat him. His thoughts could no longer form full sentences in his heads it was just random words and horrid feelings. 



















    Golden Guard 


Hunter's gasps for air were loud enough to wake Willow above him but he didn't notice. The world around him didn't seem to exist anymore. 'Hunter?' Willow's concerned voice came from above. She climbed down her ladder to see a pale Hunter shaking like a leaf, tears streaming down his face and his fast unstable breathing. 'Hunter?' She said firmly as she stood in front of him. But he didn't seem to notice, she waved her hand in front of his face, still nothing.



















Golden Guard


'Hunter, I need you to snap out of it buddy.' Willow said grabbing either side of his face to make him look at her. To Hunter, the room was blurry and Willows words were muffled but he finally realised she was there. The words in his head quieted as he looked up at her beautiful face. 'Willow?' He asked 'Yes, Hunter don't worry I'm here.' She said glad to see he was coming back to the real world. 'Got each other's backs.' He smiled weakly. Willow laughed and then she taught Hunter a little breathing trick that she used to calm herself down. Neither of them noticed that Eda and Luz were awake and watching them. 'Poor kid.' Eda whispered to Luz. 'Should we go say something.' She asked 'No,' Replied Eda 'Willows got this.' 

Willow leads Hunter to the food storage room, so they can grab a snack and talk. The sit next to each other both eating so granola bars. Willows leg is leaned against Hunter making him blush. 'Hunter, I know you spent most of your life depending on yourself and not really having any friends so I want to make sure you know, that me, Gus, Luz, Eda, King and even Amity are here for you. So could you tell me what just happened?' Willow said to I'm looking him straight in the eyes. So Hunter poured out all his feelings to her. 'It was a dream about me being a grimwalker.' 

(Idk why'd you care but while writing this the smell of someone cooking onions is coming through my bedroom window.)

'What's a grimwalker?' Willow asked him confused. 'I'm a clone of somebody else! In fact the Emperor's older brother Caleb, and I don't know what that means for me, am I even my own person? Am I Hunter? I just don't know how to feel or process any of this.' Hunter said quickly pulling his knees to his chest, burying his face in them and putting his hands over his head. 'Hunter,' Willow said sounding a little shaken but she was determined to help her friend. 'I don't really know anything about grimwalkers, but I know you and your beautiful personality that has grown so much since you left Belos. And even if you are a clone of someone else you can't be exactly the same or make the same choice, all that's the same is how you look and even then you have different scars and you have pointed ears.' 'Thanks Willow, I needed to hear that.' Hunter said looking away so Willow didn't see him wiping his eyes. 

Willow is such a good friend, what can I do to help them. 

'Hey Willow, is there anything bothering you?' He asked her not really sure if she'd want to talk about this. 'I'm just worried about my dads. What if something happens to them and when will I see them next?' Willow started tearing up so Hunter tried to awkwardly hug her so she hugged back but she wasn't as awkward and Hunger felt like he was melting in her arms. 'I'm sure your dads will be ok, they raised such a strong witch, I'm sure they are just as strong. And they are quite far away from here they should be safe either way. And Eda's looking after us so she'll make sure we're back home soon as possible.' Hunter said with his face cuddled in her hair. 'Well , after all this is over we can research grimwalkers if you want.' Willow said thinking about how far Hunter has come from handing them over to the Emperor's coven to hiding from Belos with them and comforting Willow. 

They both fell asleep hugging each other and Hunter's head resting on Willow's.


Hunter's eyes slowly blinked open scanning the room. Him and Willow were laying down on a bed of vines and flowers and he had a crown of flowers on his head. Willow was spooning him in her strong grip. Hunter started to blush as he thought about Willow holding him. Yesterday Darius thought I had a crush on Willow. Do I? I do feel a lot different around her than Luz or Gus. Maybe Darius could help me figure it out. Hunter knew lot's about different thing but he didn't know many things about being social. 

Hunter sat up on the vine bed as Willow stirred beside him. Her hair was messy and her eyes squinted tiredly. Hunter chuckled 'What's so funny?' She asked yawning 'It's just you look so cute with your messy hair,' he said before realising what he said and he turned away blushing and Willow laughed awkwardly 'Thanks,' she replied also blushing.

Hunter and Willow both stood up and walked into the main room where Amity and Luz were flirting and Gus was sitting next to them as the third wheel. 'Oh thank Titian!' Gus said running over to Willow and Hunter 'I'm tired of being the third wheel-' he started but trailed off as he saw Hunter's flower crown. 'Aww, that's so cute on you Hunter!' Luz said running over and Amity who was slowly starting to trust Hunter more. 'Did you sleep in the food storage room?' Amity asked them. 'You better have not eaten it all,' Eda said as her and King walked in with the two coven heads following behind them.

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