Bonus Chapter: Panic Attacks & Flapjacks

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Let's just all agree we love Flapjack and Hunter


Hunter woke up groggily as the bright sunlight from outside shined into the guest bedroom of Luz's house. Hunter normally slept in the basement with Gus but Hunter had a bad dream so all the teens had a sleepover in the guest bedroom so he felt safer. Although he was worried about everyone back in the Boiling Isles, in the human realm he felt more at ease knowing he was in a world locked away from Belos and his coven. Some nights though in the darkness Hunter swore he saw Belos' shadow or one of his gooey arms reaching from the gloom feeling around for Hunter or his girlfriend Willow.

Lucky for Hunter he had a great group of friends and his newly declared girlfriend Willow to comfort him on those tough nights. Even Luz's mom became a strong part of his support system. She was an expert in helping him through panic attacks and she was helping him work through his past after he left his Aftershocks book in the Boiling Isles.

Hunter squinted around the room. It was empty except for him, everyone else must have woken up already. Even though he knew they were all just down the hall he couldn't stop the voice of doubt in his head. What if they finally left me? Got sick of dealing with all my problems. I'm a helpless, useless, little kid without them. I go crying to Willow or Luz's mom every time I'm upset but what do I do for any of them? They should just leave me to die or I should save them the effort and just leave them alone.

Hunter's thoughts began to spiral before he could stop them he was in a full blown panic attack. His breathing got faster and he couldn't focus on the world around him, he was fading into his thoughts. Trying to drown him. His fears were so intense the words just vanished, leaving him with horrible feelings of anxiety and guilt. The familiar feeling that went with all of his panic attacks started. The feeling as if he was being tore apart. He was splitting in two and his insides were eager to escape their prison.

Every time he had a panic attack, Hunter felt like he was going to die and sometimes he wished he would. And every time he had a panic attack one of his friends would help calm him down.


Willow was in the kitchen with all of her friends except for Hunter who was still asleep. No one ever woke him when he slept in or when he feel asleep during the day because they knew he needed it more than anyone. And sometimes they took, in Willows opinion really cute, pictures of him while he was asleep. It was almost 10am and Luz and her mom were cooking flapjacks for them all to try. Flapjack was especially excited to try the food he was named after. He was chirping happily and flying giddy circles around people's heads. "Willow, maybe you should go wake Hunter so he can eat these while they're warm." Luz said Tovar her shoulder. "On it!" Willow said getting up and heading out of the kitchen with her bee palismen following her.

Willow entered her and Amity's guest bedroom, expecting to see Hunter spread out over the many stray blankets and pillows on the floor and air mattress but instead she saw the shaking form of Hunter. He was on his elbows and knees a few feet from the doorway. Willow silently made eye contact with her bee before it flew away to get help. Willow then sat beside Hunter and moved his trembling form into a hug.

"Hunter? Can you hear me?" Willow asked knowing how the real world would fade away from him while he was having a panic attack. When she got no response she started to rub his back. "Hunter, honey, can you see anything in the room?"


Hunter head was still spinning and splitting when he felt his body move and a new comforting touch on his skin. He heard a voice but it sounded so underwater. He focused on the voice as much as he could waiting for it to save him from drowning in his own thoughts. "Hgbtqr, hodey, can hou see anyfhing in tge room?" He heard the voice say slowly getting clearer. "Room?" He asked his thoughts struggling to focus on more than his panicked body. "Yes. What do you see in the room?" Willows voice said to him, the clear sound of her voice helped refresh his thoughts enough for him to look around the room. "I see lots of pillows... and blankets. Man we made a mess," Hunter chuckled to himself. "I also see the widow, it's very bright and sunny today."

That's when all his friends entered the room. They made sure not to crowd Hunter but just let him know they were there. Hunter was still shaky and felt a bit light headed but he was through the panic attack. Everyone sat gently talking for a few minutes before Flapjack's patience ran out and he tweeted loudly. "You want to eat flapjacks?" Hunter asked the bird in reply. "Isn't that like cannibalism?" He asked the bird, laughing. "That's what I said!" Luz shouted across the room. Amity sighed before saying "It's not because Flapjack is a living piece of palisman wood while flapjacks are made of human plants and aren't alive." "Shhh. That's less fun" Luz said to her girlfriend in a goofy voice.

"Alright let's go eat!" Willow announced scooping Hunter into her arms bridal style, leading the way back to the kitchen.

Flapjack loved the flapjacks and they all lived happily ever after (for that day before Flapjack started begging everyday after that for more flapjacks). The end.

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