Chapter Nine: Panic Attack

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⚠️TW: Panic Attack


Rein and the Blight twins had arrived at the bunker a day earlier. They had made their plan of attack. Eda was going to impersonate Rein and corrupt the draining spell. While the kids had to stop/delay the delivery of Belos' abominations. And to put it simply Hunter was terrified.

What if I see Belos?

What if someone gets hurt?

What if the plan fails?

What if Willow doesn't like me back?

What if the draining spell still works?

What if I die?

Thoughts and what ifs were circling Hunters head like a tornado. Hunter was sat with Willow and Gus on either side of him. Adjacent to Gus was Lumity and across the table sat the adults. The Blight twins stood behind their sister. They all were in a meeting going over the plans again. Hunter didn't want to think about the quickly approaching Day of Unity. The thought of it was eating at the inside of his chest. Rein was talking- mainly to Eda- about how they had to give Eda a coven sigil. Anyone with a sigil would die on the Day of Unity if the plan failed. Hunter felt selfish thinking how jealous he was that out of all the kids he'd be the one to die. He'd be the one in the left out of the group. It was weird he has FOMO about what he'd miss when he's dead.

Hunter's stomach start to really hurt and his face felt heavy so he quickly excused himself and headed to his bunk bed but as soon as he made it to the other room the world around him seemed to disappear. All he saw was blackness and his breathing quickened. He felt his body was about to split in two. He didn't know what was going on, his heart was trying to break out of his chest, he couldn't breathe, couldn't stop shaking, he was ripping in two, he couldn't see, his ears felt like he was underwater and he felt the contents of his stomach moving around, alive trying to crawl out of him. Am I dying? I'm dying before the plan even starts.

Why can't I die faster this is horrible. Will it ever end?

He wanted to scream for help, for Willow but when he opened his mouth he felt like he was drowning. His body was slowly being crushed. He start to cough uncontrollably, gasping for air in between coughs. He felt saliva fall from his mouth in to the blackness around him.

It's never going to end. I can't take this. I'm dying alone in this painful darkness.

He felt his knees give out beneath him. They hurt as they hit the ground but wait... he couldn't feel the ground bellow him, his knees hurt but there was no ground. He reached out his hands but felt nothing but his hands trembling in air.

Where am I? Am I already dead?

He felt his wet tears and spit running down his face and sweat on his skin. He felt like he was burning hot and his insides were on fire. But yet his face felt sickly cool. He didn't understand what was happening. His head, his body was in too much pain and panic to think. He didn't know how long it had been since this started it felt like forever.

He felt something slithering up his arms and legs. Wrapping around his chest. It wasn't tight but a comforting pressure. Slowly he started to feel the ground again and he could hear the muffled sound of talking around him. The real world was coming back.

I'm not dead yet. I'm here, in the dorm room.

Slowly all the horrible feelings faded and he was left laying in a puddle of sweat and tears of the ground, Willows vines hugging his body. He was still panting but he felt the air rushing into his lungs and the oxygen seeping into his blood. He wasn't dying but it still hurt to think.

"Oh my God! Hunter are you ok?!" Luz shouted seeing Hunter's eyes starting to focus. "Shush!" Eda shot over to Luz. "We don't want to scare the kid again. I think he just had a panic attack. He's had them before but never one like this."


Hunter laid on his bed with a blanket of Willow's vines and was drinking an egg coffee (the best comfort drink) and had a cold rag on the back of his neck. Willow sat on the edge of his bed asking him little questions to keep his mind occupied.

"What's your favourite colour?"

"What's your favourite snack?"

"What's your eye colour?"

"What's a human game Luz showed you?"

Gus, Luz and Amity cuddled against the wall, whispering words of comfort and encouragement to each other. Eda and the other coven heads sat on the adjacent bed talking about random subjects. King sat in Eda's lap sleeping peacefully. Everyone's palisman sat on the bunk above Hunter's, playing with the Blight twins.

Hunter still felt rather shaken about what happened to him a hour ago. He never wanted that feeling to come back. But he had a feeling it would.

For now Hunter was happy just to start relaxing with Willow and forget about the coming days.


Sorry for the short chapter but I hope you enjoyed! And thank you so much for reading this far. This was fun for me to write, I felt my story was losing focus on Hunter's struggles and just felt nothing that happened was very descriptive and emotional so I tried my best in this chapter.

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