Chapter Two: The Owl House

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Hunter woke up with a jolt which made is injuries ache. He looked down to see his shirt was taken off and in its place where a lot of bandages wrapped around his chest arms and forehead, he had  bands aids all over covering small cuts and he had a splint of sorts and bandages around his left ring finger. The skin that you could see was either blue and black from bruises or red and sore.

Where am I? Why do I have all these bandages? Hunter looked round the cluttered living room, he slowly realised that this was the Owl House. Why did Flapjack bring him here? Did Luz and the Owl Lady help clean him up? Why would they?

Slowly and unsteadily Hunter got to his feet and limped over to Flapjack 'What's going on?' He whispered panicked to the bird. 'Oh good Hunter your awake!' Luz said cheerfully. 'Golden Guard, the Emperor's coven not treating you well?' The Owl Lady asked eyeing him carefully. 'Let's start of by saying, we don't trust you but we want to help you.' Luz said seriously. 'What makes you think I would want a wild witch, a human and their pet dog to help me?' Hunter said angrily. 'Hang on! We just rescued you so you should be showing some respect.' King huffed insulted by being called a dog.   

Hunter ran or stumbled to the door. 'I'm leaving!' He yelled as he was about to open the door Luz stepped in front of him. 'Hunter wait,' she said to the panting boy in front of him. 'You are in no shape to go anywhere, it's raining if you haven't noticed and we want to know what happened to you!' She told him. He glared at her before crashing to his knees, the world around him was spinning and he felt lightheaded. 'Eda what's wrong with him,' Luz cried. His breathing was becoming more laboured. I'm going to die in the Owl House in front of these people. 'Hunter! Can you here me?' The Owl Lady said 'Hang on there bud,' but that was the last thing he heard before he passed out. 

Hunter woke up to Luz slapping him on the face. 'Ow!' He cried 'Sorry, but it woke you up.' Luz said. Hunter back across the floor further away from Luz. 'Eda's making food, want any?' Luz offered. 'I'm not eating your poisoned food!' He yelled. Luz looked down at Hunter shocked, he looked terrified. What do I do? I'm trapped here and defenceless and Belos must be looking for me by now. I'm going to be in so much trouble. 'Hunter it's not poisoned, we'll all be eating it.' Luz said 'come on follow me.' Hunter glaring at Luz, slowly stood up . Ow, ow, ow. Can't show weakness to the enemy or I can't show anymore. Slowly and painfully Hunter limped behind Luz. 'Lunch is ready!' The Owl Lady.

All of them sat at the kitchen table, eating warm bowls of some kind of soup. Hunter sat on one table side alone while King and the Owl Lady sat opposite him and Luz sat on a third side in between everyone. Hunter had already wolfed down his lunch and was starring out the window into the boiling rain outside. 'So um Hunter, how did this happen to you?' Luz asked cautiously before Eda burst out 'Who did this to you  and how was the great Golden Guard defeated so badly?!' 'Well... WHY DO YOU CARE! Your probably glad I'm hurt and now your holding me hostage!' Hunter yelled across the table. The Owl Lady was getting a little sick of this kid, even if she felt bad for him. 'Kid listen up, we brought you into our house, bandaged you up and fed you lunch, the least you could do is tell us what happened!' Eda yelled at Hunter. His eyes widened in  fear as he backed away from her in his chair. Eda instantly regretted yelling after seeing his reaction. 

'I-I...' Hunter started 'It's ok, take your time.' Luz comforted 'Just tell us, who did this and why,' 'It was...' Hunter started but they couldn't make out what he said. He tried agin, talking a little louder and very quickly 'It was Emperor Belos. But it was my fault, he found out I was hiding Flapjack and was very rightfully angry. So of course I was in trouble so he punished me but I deserved it. I was disobedient to the Emperor. But I found out from Flapjack what was in the Emperor's mind and that he's evil and I didn't know what to do so I had Flapjack get us out of there. But if I go back now he can forgive me and stuff can go back to normal.' 

'Hunter, slow down. Belos punishes you like this?' The Owl Lady said indicating Hunter's injuries. 'Yes?' Hunter said confused why she seemed so surprised 'The Emperor doesn't tolerate failure. He wants the best for me and wants me succeed because the Titan has big plans for me.' He said as if the words where ingrained into his head. 'Hunter, that is not ok. That's not how you should treat family.' Luz said. 'But-but I...' Hunter started but then stopped. He curled his knees to his chest and looked down at the floor. 'Golden Guard, I know I don't know much about fathers and stuff but I found Eda and Luz and they are my family now. Because they treat me well.' King said making him remember something Amity Blight said to him 'There are people out there who won't make you feel worthless. You just have to let yourself meet them.'

'Hunter, I know this might be hard to hear but Emperor Belos abused you. No one should treat you that way.' The Owl Lady told him sadly. 'Now while you recover and we figure everything out you should stay here with us. And never go back to Belos.' She finished sternly. 'Yeah. I know you don't  trust us and we don't trust you but you can't go back to Belos.' Luz said going to give him a hug but pulled back when he flinched away. 'Thanks.' He said vaguely and smiled for a second before looking back out the window. He tried to hide it but he started crying. 'Let's leave him be guys.' Luz suggested 'Fine.' King said and they all left.


Thanks for reading this chapter! Get ready for chapter 3, a ship is about to leave dock!

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