Chapter Three: The Captain

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Hunter sat alone in the Owl House kitchen, thoughts racing, unsure of what to do now and questioning what to believe. Ok organised thoughts. What do I know? Emperor Belos is evil and should know by now I ran away. What do I do? Do I go back or stay here. If I go back I would be in big trouble and I'm still very weak but Belos is the only family I have. Though King said you can make your own family. Ok, I'm n-not going back to Belos because he is evil and things wouldn't go well for me if I did. Next matter they said I was abused. Was I? It can't be. I keep finding out more and more lies Belos has told me all my life. I wish I had someone to talk to. Wait...

Hunter grabbed his scroll and texted Willow. Maybe I could talk to her.


Hello Captain! I know we might not have left off on the best terms but I was wondering if you would be able to come over and talk with me? I'm staying at the Owl House for a I can't go back to the Emperor's Coven at least not now. 


Hi Hunter! I'm sorry to hear about the coven but yh I could come over to talk. Is now good? And I didn't think you where friends with Luz.


That would be great, if you come over now. Yeah I can explain more when you get here. See you soon Captain.


Okie gtg, see you soon. 😁

Hunter moved back to the living room, where Luz, the Owl Lady and the dog, King along with there door owl thing were talking. But everyone fell silent when he walked in. 'Hey,' he said awkwardly 'Hi,' Luz said 'How are you feeling?' 'Fine,' he replied 'Oh does this mean we can play games?' Hooty asked. 'Yes, let's play UNO!' King yelled. Luz recently taught all of them to play Uno. 'What's that?' Hunter asked 


During the Uno games King won once and Eda won once. Both were very competitive while Luz was a lot more chill about it and won three times. Hunter wasn't very good at it and didn't understand the concept of playing a game to have fun. He always looked very sad when he lost and looked worried the others would be disappointed in him.

'Hello?' Willows voice said from the door way. 'Willows here!' Hooty shouted. 'Oh! Captain, hello!' Hunter said with a blush. 'Oh Willow, I didn't know you were coming!' Luz said running over to her friend and giving her a hug. 'Yeah, Hunter invited me.' Willow told her. 'S-sorry I didn't mean, t-to invite h-her without asking b-but I just wanted to-to talk with-with someone who I k-kinda knew so-so yeah.' Hunter stuttered. 'Don't stress it kid. Just no inviting your coven friends over.' The Owl Lady told him. 'Thanks, Owl Lady.' Hunter said surprised she wasn't angry. 'Oh and call me Eda.' Eda told him.

Hunter and Willow went to the kitchen to talk privately. Hunter sat next to Willow and she was right next to the window. The sunshine on her face and hair makes her look very pretty. 'So, wow Hunter you look a little beat up,' she says. 'Yeah... about that...' he says and tells Willow all about Flapjack, the Emperor's mind and about being abused. He tells her a bit more about his past than he did with Luz and Eda. 

'One time I had failed a mission because I made a stupid choice since I wanted to impress Belos and come back with more than he expected. But it ended up with me... blowing up a building. When I met with Belos in his throne room he was enraged and yelled at me for ten minutes as I stood terrified and trembling. That was probably one of my worse punishments, I *gulp* thought it would never end. He um... he ended up breaking my leg.' Hunter told the story in a choked voice. 'Wow Hunter. Well I'd like to say that I'm here for you and you can talk to me anytime.' Willow said soothingly and she set her hand on Hunter's to comfort him, he flinched and she started to move away but he grabbed her hand and smiled.


After Hunter and Willow finished talking they went out to play more games with Luz and them. They played for hours then Willow and Eda made Dinner. After dinner Willow called her Dads to ask if they could have a sleepover. 'Ha! They said yes!' She said and Luz cheered and hugged Willow and Hunter. 'Hunter's first sleepover!' They cheered. 'Ow! Ow, ow! Watch the injured guy!' He said sliding out of the hug. 'Sorry' they said in unison. 

Soon they were all settled in sleeping bags in Luz room. Hunter borrowed some PJ's from Eda. He was wearing an old yellow shirt from when Eda was a kid and some grey sweatpants from Luz. They talked for a while and played some card games then went to bed. 'Goodnight Hunter, Willow.' Luz said snuggling into her sleeping bag. 'Night, you two.' Willow said. 'Oh... goodnight guys.' Hunter said.

Hunter didn't go to sleep. He was never a good sleeper, he was always stressed or working or studying in secret. And being in pain never helped. He waited for them to fall asleep before he got up and limped to the bathroom and locked the door. He took off his shirt to survey the damage. He had a large cut in his chest which was covered by a large bandage, also had lots of bandages on his arms. His finger was definitely broken and his knee hurt and when he pulled up the leg of his sweatpants to see a bandage around the area right below his knee and red creeping out from beneath it. There was a bandage around his forehead where he could feel a gash and his scar on his face had reopened and now had a bandaid on it. Hunter put his shirt back on and limped back to bed.


Hunter looked into the dark room a head and the only thing he could see was Belos' dim figure. 'Hunter,' Belos' voice echoed around the dark room. 'I've never been more disappointed in you Hunter.' Hunter's never opened his mouth but he heard his voice echo around, 'Please sir, I'm sorry, I won't let it happen agin.' 'Hunter, I need to ensure it never happens agin. It's for the best.' Belos said as he morphed into his terrifying gooey form. And then he saw one of Belos' arms come flying towards him and another arm about to grab his hair. Hunter woke up with a jolt, he was sweating and felt cold all over.

He looked around it must have been the middle of the night and Luz and Willow were still asleep. He got up to sit by the window and gazed outside before curling up and having a good cry. A few minutes later he got up and limped around the house exploring. Eventually making it to the kitchen and grabbing a glass of water. He sat down at the table and rested his head on top of it. Goodnight.

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