Chapter Twelve: Day of Unity P2

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⚠️TW: Fighting/violence and there's more kissing 


The group of rebels now all geared up started sneaking towards the Coven Scout camp. It was a tense silence as they walked, the only sound were the rustling of leaves. Lilith led the way with Eda and Rein right behind her. Hunter and Willow walked hand in hand in the middle of the group. Luz would occasionally give them a glance that said 'you guys are so cute!'

After about fifteen minutes of walking Lilith held out her hand to stop the group. They all hid in the brush of the forest and looked ahead to the camp. As Eda had reported a few days before there were two airships and around thirty coven scouts. Eda signalled to everyone to begin the plan of attack.

Eda turned in to harpy mode and with King by her side was ready to pounce. Willow and Gus started warming up their magic as Hunter grabbed Luz, Amity and Emira and teleported away so the were on the right side of the camp. The three coven heads walked over to left side of the camp. Lilith, Hooty and Edric moved to the back. Everyone waited listening intently for Harpy Eda's call.

"Caw Kraa!" Eda shouted flying forward, with King in her back, into the centre of the camp. The camp at the back had their two airships and some boxes of supplies, about ten guards stood in that area. The other twenty or so guards were in the main area of the camp that was made up of white tents with the Emperor's coven sigil embroidered on them.

Eda landed on a guard while King jumped off her back and onto the ground. Using his new abilities he cried "WAH!" Vines grew around several more guards as Willow set loose her magic. Gus stood behind using his magic to hide them and create doubles of Ed's and King to confuse the guards. Hunter, Luz and Amity ran forward attacking the guards closet to them. Emira stayed  near the back to heal and tie up the unconscious scouts. The coven heads also joined the fight, Rein using their magic to freeze the guards while Darius and Eberwolf knocked them out. Lilith, Hooty and Edric began clearing the scouts from the airships. 

Gus from his and Willows bush on the edge of the clearing was looking for something. He kept seeing a strange blue light. Illusion magic. And so he was looking for the caster. He spotted a scout crouched by a tent with blue rings around his wrists like Gus' wrists now. "Willow! See that guard by the tents, knock him out!" Gus whisper shouted to Willow. "On it." She said before surrounding the scout with vines and yanking him off his feet before blowing a sleep flower powder in his face. As the scout become unconscious his illusion broke and a large tent appeared where a pile of boxes was before. Out of the tent poured another fifty guards ready to fight.

Hunter flew with his new wings a few feet off the ground using Flapjack to teleport from scout to scout using ice glifs to freeze them in place. He was now near the front of the camp and he was able to see Willow guarding Gus in the bushes. He also saw as the large tent appeared and dozen of coven guards poured out, many of which were heading straight towards Willow and Gus. Hunter admired Willows great strength but she still couldn't take all of those guards so he swooped down in front of the pair. 

"Willow!" He shouted "I'm going to round them up in a big circle and then fly up in the air, that's your chance to crush these guys all at once!" "Let's do this Hunter!" She grinned back at him. "Make sure I don't die captain!" He smiled his confidence lifted as he flew around the scouts herding them in a tight circle, zipping around in the air making sure he got a good batch. With around fifteen guards rounded up he flew higher into the air and shouted down to his crush "Now Willow!"

With those words she summed vines to make a cage, around the scouts, out of thorns. The two smiled at each other as Hunter swooped down and landed next to them. "Gus can you go help Edric and Lilith with the ships. I'm in the mood for some more close up combat." Willow said and Gus nodded understanding she wanted to fight more with Hunter.

Gus ran off still in the cover of the trees to meet up with Lilith. Hunter and Willow headed straight into the sea of coven scouts. Willow stood vines at the ready as Hunter hovered just behind her a few feet off the ground. Two guards with staffs in hand jumped towards Willow, ready to blast her but she caught them in her vines and shoved them into the guards behind them. Another scout tried to sneak behind Willow and Hunter grabbed him under his arms dragging him up into the air before throwing him into the bushes.

The fighting went on for another ten minutes or so. Hunter and Willow felt so powerful fighting side by side. Once all the Scouts were downed Hunter and Willow walked tiredly to the airships to regroup with everyone.

About an hour later the rebels split into their two groups and boarded the airships. On the kids airship Hunter and Amity were the only ones who knew how to fly it so they took shifts driving. Currently Amity was driving and Luz was sitting beside her talking partly to Amity partly to herself. Hunter was sat with Willow behind some boxes. Everyone else was sat along the middle edge of the ship. 

Hunter and Willow looked each other in the eyes before glancing around the boxes to make sure no one could see them. When the made sure they were away from prying eyes, Willow and Hunter kissed. Willow had her arms around his waist hugging him closely while he had his arms wrapped around the back of her neck. Willow licked Hunter's lower lip before sliding her tongue into his mouth. 

After a minute Hunter pulled away for some air and moved to a more comfortable position sitting on Willows lap facing her. She moved one hand to his hair and the other to his lower back. They started kissing again but this time Willow pulled away and started kissing Hunters neck and collar bone. Hunter sat there blushing, enjoying the feelings but unsure of what to do.

After a few more seconds of sitting there as Willow kissed him, Hunter saw movement out of the corner of his eye. He turned to see Gus, Luz, Amity and the Blight twins spying on them. "Hey creeps! What in Titian's name do you think you're doing?!" He yelled blushing. This caused Willow to stop and look up before she turned red with embarrassment. "How long were you guys watching us?!" Willow asked nervously. Amity opened her mouth to speak but before she could Hunter yelled "Wait Amity, WHO'S DRIVING THE SHIP?!" 

A look of realisation crossed Amity's face. "Oh shi-"

The end. 

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